Infobae Horoscope: find out which are the 5 zodiac signs that have psychic powers

Astrology reveals that only 5 zodiac signs have great psychic power. Get to know them in this note.

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Zodiac signs possess abilities and characteristics that make them unique in front of others. Among them is the power of leadership, the force of influence that a sign can have over the rest and even the mystical or psychic powers that it can possess and advance itself from in some way to future events.

That's why this time we want to share with you what are the 5 signs of the zodiac who have real powers psychic powers and how is it that they can come up with it.

Although the vast majority of people may have premonitions or dreams that tell us what something can mean, that does not mean that we have the psychic gift because one thing is that it happens in an extraordinary way, but another that it is a constant in our lives and in our daily lives.


Of the whole horoscope, these are the ones who possess the innate gift.

1. Pisces (February 19 - March 20):

Most Pisces don't even have the psychic power they have.

They think it all comes down to their incredible sense of intuition which is something that everyone has, but it doesn't. Luckily, they rely on their intuition when it comes to making decisions. They always know when something good or bad is about to happen and you can also conclude stories of people they haven't met before.

They are very compassionate, which is a good trait for someone who can see the possible bad things before everyone else.

2. Cancer (June 21 - July 22):

Cancer's psychic abilities are much more related to feeling. For example, they may feel when someone is upset, even if that person seems calm. If Cancer feels that a business agreement is wrong or suspects that someone is not telling the truth, they can feel it inside.

They have a lot of empathy, which helps to trigger their psychic abilities more quickly. They are very sensitive to the vibrations of the environment, especially when listening to music, and this undoubtedly makes them one of the most psychic signs of the zodiac.

In fact, they are excellent psychics because they are good at helping both the living deal with their emotions and in the case of souls, they can feel them and work on related issues.

3. Libra (September 23 - October 22):

Libras just don't want to believe they have any psychic abilities, but that doesn't mean they don't have them.

Their intuition is more tied to what happens to other people. In the personal case they may not be clear about it but deja vu are always present, as are premonitions.

Because they don't accept the psychic power they have, they often replace that theory by simply making a lucky assumption. However, when one makes one lucky assumption after another, it is beyond luck; it is something psychic.

Unfortunately, Libra is too lazy to really pursue the perfecting of their psychic abilities, which, according to them, they don't have anyway.

4. Scorpio (October 23 - November 21):

Of all the signs of the zodiac , Scorpios are the closest to being able to read people's minds.

It's not just that they can know what you're thinking, they also seem to have the ability to know what you're hiding. It's ironic because they themselves tend to be very secretive and mysterious.

They hate liars and that could be why they can always smell the truth. The information they collect psychically, they use it to manipulate and control others.

They may not trust other people because they have seen their dark side, which can be as disturbing as their own.

Horóscopo Escorpio 2022. (Foto:Captura)

5. Gemini (May 21 - June 20):

Geminis have a very special psychic power called bilocation, and that is the ability to be in more than one place at a time.

And it's not that they're physically in two places, but that it only happens in the mental realm, like being busy with one thing but thinking about another, or in dreams where your physical body stays in your bed while you're a ghostly presence somewhere else.

But be aware that being physically in two places is possible but few people can achieve it. Being in one place and people swear they saw you somewhere else.