Apple has released the iOS 15.4 update with new features that make everyday life easier for its users. Face ID now allows you to unlock your phone even when wearing a mask. This new feature is enabled for all iPhone 12 models and later. On the other hand, covid-19 digital certificates, test results and recovery records from the European Union can now also be stored in Apple Wallet along with vouchers, tickets, boarding passes and so on. To do this, simply scan the QR code with the camera and then select “Add to Wallet and Health” in the “Health” app dialog and confirm with “Done”. The update also brings to the brand's mobile devices new emojis such as faces, hand gestures and household objects. In addition, those who want to share screen and multimedia content with other users through the Shareplay feature no longer have to open the Facetime chat application first, but can start those sessions directly from the corresponding application. Users who have not yet received the iOS update to version 15.4 should proceed as follows: connect the iPhone or iPad to the charger, activate WLAN, go to “Settings/General/Software Update” and then tap “Download and Install”. dpa
Apple iOS 15.4: Face ID with mask and vaccination record in Wallet
Apple has released the iOS 15.4 update with new features that make everyday life easier for its users.
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