University resolved conflict with sponsor AJE, after specifying the agreement with Andy Polo

In addition, by means of a notarial letter, the club specified that it does not want to relate to a company that mistreats its workers, in relation to a Sunafil sanction against the company. Jean Ferrari, administrator of the club 'merengue', notified the company's response hours later.

In the morning of this Friday, the Peruvian club Universitario de Deportes was notified with a document from the company AJE (AJEPER S.A.) to suspend deliveries of its Sporade products to the institution merengue, following accusations of domestic violence against Andy Polo. However, the club responded by means of a notarial letter that they have given it a period of 15 working days to prove the support of their children. In addition, they reported that the company has a report of labor abuse of its workers.

Hours later, through the administrator of the 'U', Jean Ferrari, it became known that the company responded that they will not break the contract relationship and are satisfied with how the club is following the case of the Peruvian striker. Here we tell you how was the response process between communications.


First, through a letter, AJE reported that it is “evaluating the continuity of the Sponsorship to the University Sports Club in safeguarding the image of the 'SPORADE' brand, so it has decided to suspend the delivery of the products until the completion of the internal evaluation and to have a response from you [the club]”.

Comunicado de la empresa AJE a Universitario. Fuente: Nick Negrini/Twitter.

“We consider the accusations made to Mr. Polo Andrade unacceptable, considering that gender-based violence is a structural problem in Peru and we cannot accept any type of accusation of violence against our commercial allies,” he noted in the document released by journalist Nick Negrini on his social network of Twitter.

Comunicado de la empresa AJE a Universitario. Fuente: Nick Negrini/Twitter.


Hours later, Universitario de Deportes responded by means of a notarial letter to the accusations made by AJE. The statement said that they have given the Peruvian footballer a period of 15 working days to prove the support of his children. On the other hand, the club stated that the player's permanence is conditional on compliance with the required measures.

Andy Polo has a period of 15 working days for him to reconcile all issues related to family law or, failing that, to reliably prove appropriate support for his minor children,” said one of the points in the note.

Comunicado de Universitario de Deportes a la empresa AJE. Fuente: Universitario de Deportes.

In the event that new complaints and/or investigations are made that lead to jurisdictional judgments in the United States and/or Peru that determine Andy Polo's guilt for crimes of family violence, he will be immediately separated from the club,” the document stressed.


On the other hand, Universitario added in one of its points that AJEPER S.A. must respond to a sanction by the National Superintendency of Labour Supervision (Sunafil) against the company for acts of hostility against two workers. The club mentioned that they were notified of Quartermaster Resolution No. 486-2020-SUNAFIL/ILM, dated September 7, 2020.

In this regard, the club requested a period of three calendar days for them to receive information about the investigatory process.

“If acts of psychological abuse had been committed against its own workers, facts that the Club cannot tolerate or discuss from any point of view. The Club cannot be maintained as a sponsor of companies that promote violence because this damages the Club's brand, based on the practice of good values and principles in our society,” they said.

Comunicado de Universitario de Deportes a la empresa AJE. Fuente: Universitario de Deportes.

Universitario de Deportes also added in its statement that the company AJEPER S.A. “has been breaching its contractual obligations” regarding the non-delivery of multiple products for the institution. This in relation to the advertising and sponsorship contract, which, according to the document, is dated December 31, 2020.

Finally, the club considered that the letter sent by AJE has no legal validity “since there is no date of it nor the procedural address to which we could respond. Therefore, we are proceeding to notify the letter at home that appear in our database.”

Comunicado de Universitario de Deportes a la empresa AJE. Fuente: Universitario de Deportes.


On his official Twitter account, Jean Ferrari uploaded a photograph noting that he received a new response letter from AJE, in which the company agrees with the “corrective and disciplinary” measures taken by Universitario de Deportes. “Now the answer from AJE that has just arrived, no one above the U”,b wrote Ferrari.

Finally, AJEPER S.A. reiterated to Universitario its “greater willingness to strengthen the good relations they have maintained to date and are available to maintain dialogue between the parties in order to continue building a relationship for the benefit of the development of national sport”.

Respuesta de la empresa AJE tras la carta notarial de Universitario de Deportes. Foto: Jean Ferrari/Twitter.