Sylvia Pasquel sent a strong message to the retractors of Silvia Pinal's return to the theater

The actress also gave an update on the recent robbery that her mother suffered inside her home




After social media users expressed concern for Silvia Pinal's health due to her appearance during an interview who gave up on the occasion of her return to the stage, Sylvia Pasquel jumped to the defense of her mother, stating that she is currently motivated by her lead in Little Red Riding Hood: What's up with your grandmother! and sent a message to the detractors.

Hoy's cameras went into rehearsals of the musical to take some pictures of the first actress. After the special presentation, the interpreter of Amarte es mi sin answered some questions about her mother's condition and the recent robbery that suffered inside his mansion located in El Pedregal, Mexico City.

To begin with, Sylvia Pasquel sent a message to all those who disagree that the 90-year-old actress will resume her artistic career because they consider her condition not optimal. In this regard, she commented that it is very important for her and her family to see her mother happy doing activities that she enjoys while still enjoying her passion, acting.

La primera actriz Silvia Pinal regresa al teatro con la obra "Caperucita ¡Qué onda con tu abuelita! El Musical", la cual se estrenará el 8 de mayo en el Teatro Silvia Pinal. La obra esta  producida por Iván Cochegrus y dirigida por Carlos Ignacio, cuenta con las participaciones de María Rebeca, Mary Paz Banquells y Sergio Saldívar. 
La primera actriz Silvia Pinal regresa al teatro con la obra "Caperucita ¡Qué onda con tu abuelita! El Musical", la cual se estrenará el 8 de mayo en el Teatro Silvia Pinal. La obra esta producida por Iván Cochegrus y dirigida por Carlos Ignacio, cuenta con las participaciones de María Rebeca, Mary Paz Banquells y Sergio Saldívar. FOTO: MOISÉS PABLO/CUARTOSCURO.COMMoisés Pablo

“There may be many detractors, but people start to age when they stop studying, when they stop working, stop moving, loving, reading, when you sit on the couch watching TV and watching life go by, because it goes out like a little candle,” he said.

Stephanie Salas' mother commented that the entire production team is working to make the scenes comfortable for the matriarch of the Pinal dynasty and said that in her scenes she will have to leave with support. However, he assured that the public will be very happy to see the renowned Sonoran performer: “Even if it is a bit in her theater”.

“What I do is going to do very well because we are taking care of that [...] it will have adequate moments of showing off for a lady her age, in a wheelchair, but my mother is immensely happy, why are we going to take away that happiness,” he added.

Fotografía de archivo fechada el 30 de abril de 2015, de la actriz mexicana Silvia Pinal durante una entrevista con Efe, en Ciudad de México (México). EFE/Sáshenka Gutiérrez
Fotografía de archivo fechada el 30 de abril de 2015, de la actriz mexicana Silvia Pinal durante una entrevista con Efe, en Ciudad de México (México). EFE/Sáshenka Gutiérrez EFE

Sylvia Pasquel also commented that it is very common for artists to have a deep love for the stage and continue to give shows despite their age. That is why many have openly expressed their desire to continue working despite their health problems or other personal issues.

“He is a person who is happy on stage, actors always say that we want to die on stage and when a person stays active, continues to do things, is interested, becomes happy and gets good,” he added.

On the other hand, the actress of How poor so rich spoke about the robbery that her mother suffered a few days ago from inside her house. Without giving details on the progress of the investigation, he stated that the Attorney General's Office of Mexico City (FGJCDMX) is currently looking for those responsible for the criminal act and hopes that more information will be available in the coming days.

Según Pasquel, las pertenencias que extrajeron se trata de puras alhajas de bisutería, es decir, sin alto valor económico Foto: Twitter
Según Pasquel, las pertenencias que extrajeron se trata de puras alhajas de bisutería, es decir, sin alto valor económico Foto: Twitter

Everything is under investigation. It seems that there are other cases that have been replicated, so it seems that yes,” he said. It should be recalled that on the afternoon of April 19 it transpired that Jaime Camil's apartment had also been stolen. Regarding the safety measures that the family will take after what happened, Sylvia Pasquel commented: “That's up to someone else, I just dedicate myself to making my mom happy.”

So far the identity of the people who accessed the property is unknown, however, it is known that there were two.


