Get to know the best recipes of Gastón Acurio: Peruvian food to the table

Chef Gastón Acurio is one of the main references in Peruvian gastronomy. Get to know the most searched recipes on Google that you can prepare at home.




Gastón Acurio has become one of the main references of the Peruvian food in our country and the world. Through his social networks, the chef shares his best recipes, as well as telling his followers the memories he has with each of the dishes he prepares.

If you have trouble choosing the lunch menu, this note will be of great help. We share with you the best recipes of Peruvian food that have the seal of the ambassador of our gastronomy. Wash your hands very well and gather all the ingredients before you start cooking. Calculate the times so that it does not overcook or burn your preparations. Now, let's get to work!


Ingredients for the turkey: 1 7kg turkey, 1/2 kg butter, 2 tbsp ground garlic, 2 tbsp ground rosemary, salt, white pepper, 2 cups tangerine juice, 2 tbsp mustard, 1/4 cup ground mirasol pepper, 1/2 cup white wine, 1/4 cup pisco and 1 tbsp oyster sauce.

Ingredients for the filling: 2 cups cooked white quinoa, 1 crushed caramel sweet potato, 200 gr. ground pork, 100 gr. finely chopped bacon, salt, pepper, bread croutons, 1/2 cup sliced onion, 2 tbsp butter, 3 tbsp elderberry jam, 1/2 cup chopped delicia apple, rosemary, tarragon, parsley and huacatay.

Preparation: mix butter with garlic, salt, pepper and rosemary. Lift the skin of the turkey and spread on the inside, between the skin and the meat, and on the outside. In a bowl, mix the tangerine juice, mustard, mirasol pepper, white wine, pisco and oyster sauce. Marinate the turkey with this mixture for a few hours. Combine all the ingredients of the filling, fill and bake half an hour for each kg of turkey, calculating about 3 and a half hours for a 7 kilo turkey, over low heat and sprinkling it with its juice.

What to cook today? We share these delicious recipes to prepare: rice with chicken, alfajores and pope to the huancaina .

Discover how to prepare this delicious and simple recipe. (Photo: Pinterest)


Ingredients: 2 red onions cut into thick strips, 4 unpeeled tomatoes cut into thick strips, 1 yellow chili pepper cut into thin strips, 4 stems of Chinese onion, 4 cloves of garlic finely chopped, beef tenderloin cut into thick strips, coriander leaves and 8 tablespoons of red or white vinegar.

Preparation: In a frying pan we pour oil, raise the heat to the maximum without burning the oil, add half of the meat previously cut and seasoned. We make movements from top to bottom to create a seal of the meat. Add a few drops of vinegar. You can create a flamed if they fall into the flame, generating a striking effect. Add the rest of the meat until it reaches a cooking point and remove from the heat. Read the full recipe here.


Ingredients: 1 chicken breast, 1 bay leaf, 1 French bread, 2 cups milk, 1/4 cup oil, 1 chopped onion, 4 chopped garlic cloves, 1/2 cup yellow chili cream, 2 cups mixed vegetables (carrot, celery and pore), 1/4 teaspoon cumin, 1/2 teaspoon toothpick, 1/4 cup roasted and chopped pecans, 1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese, 4 cooked yellow potatoes, 4 black olives, 2 boiled eggs, salt and pepper to taste.

Preparation: in a pot cook the chicken breast with salt, bay leaf and vegetables. When cooking is ready, separate the broth and fray the meat. In a bowl, chop the bread and soak it in milk. When it is well wet, transfer the mixture to a blender. In addition, prepare the dressing with five tablespoons of oil, onion, garlic cloves, yellow pepper, cumin and toothpick. Read the full recipe here.

Grilled chicken recipe.


Ingredients: a whole chicken, salt, pepper, ground oregano and cumin; ground garlic, sugar, vinegar, blond beer and rosemary powder.

Preparation: In a bowl mix the salt, pepper, cumin, ground garlic, white vinegar, rosemary and oregano. When you have the preparation, use it to garnish the chicken. Let it marinate for a couple of hours. This will allow the flavors to be impregnated into the meat. Read the full recipe here.


