TSE Consulting partners with Terre des hommes to support youth development projects

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TSE Consulting has today announced that it will be providing financial support to two youth development projects run by international organisation Terre des hommes; in Burundi and Sri Lanka.

The Terre des Hommes International Federation works for the rights of children and promotes equitable development and humanitarian aid for them worldwide. Working with Terre des hommes, TSE has selected two projects that it will financially support. A project in Burundi that focuses on providing better protection for orphans and other vulnerable children through social and education initiatives such as the Centre for Football For Hope; and a second project in Sri Lanka that focuses on sports participation whereby over 1000 children will benefit from activities aimed at creating healthier and lasting lifestyles.

Marco Weil, Deputy Programme Director of Terre des hommes said: "We look forward to working in partnership with TSE Consulting. Our projects aim at empowering children by giving them the opportunity to succeed in life. Our current projects in Burundi and Sri Lanka use sport as a tool to overcome difficult situations. The direct benefits to the children in these areas are remarkable but our work also indirectly affects social conditions for entire communities thus creating a lasting effect. TSE's contribution will greatly assist in making positive change."

Lars Haue-Pedersen, Managing Director of TSE Consulting, said: "After some very good years of growth in the company, we are looking to give back. There are of course many different ways we could do so but we think we have found the right partner in Terre des hommes. We believe in the power of sport, and through the programmes we have selected with them we can now contribute first hand to using sport to provide a better life for children. We look forward to a long-lasting partnership and hope that our contributions can make a difference."

Financial support for the selected Terre des hommes projects will come directly from TSE Consulting; however, TSE clients will also have the opportunity to contribute. Find out more about Terre des hommes at http://click.icptrack.com/icp/relay.php?r=52114933&msgid=485173&act=6PPL&c=690726&destination=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.tdh.ch%2F

For more information, please contact:

Caroline Anderson, TSE Consulting Director

Phone: +41 21 313 23 00

Email: canderson@tseconsulting.com

Website: http://click.icptrack.com/icp/relay.php?r=52114933&msgid=485173&act=6PPL&c=690726&destination=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.tseconsulting.com

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