Congress: 6 interpellation motions against ministers prepared

Three motions have already been submitted to the Congressional Major Office, one is in preparation and two are in the process of collecting signatures.




Interpellations against the ministers of the current government continue in the Congress of the Republic, which is preparing, for the next few days, at least 6 such motions against cabinet members to summon them to Parliament to answer questions in their respective sectors. One of these measures is aimed at the president of the Council of Ministers himself, Aníbal Torres.


Congressman Flor Pablo Medina, of the Morado Party, filed a motion for interpellation a few days ago against the president of the Council of Ministers to explain the reasons of the curfew imposed on Lima and Callao on 5 April, and the investigation of those killed in the protests over the shutdown of carriers.

The seats that signed the order were: Morado Party (3), Avanza Pais (6), Popular Action (4), Somos Peru (2), Alliance for Progress (2), Popular Force (2), Popular Renewal (1), Together for Peru (1) and Ungrouped (1, Carlos Anderson Ramírez).

Flor Pablo indicated that if the initiative is admitted and the Prime Minister's answers are not satisfied, a censorship will be promoted for Aníbal Torres to leave office.

I hope that the interpellation will be given and if they do not satisfy the answers of the premier, to be able to proceed to a censorship. Not only is it the restriction of freedoms, there are also six deaths of compatriots,” he said in a dialogue with RPP TV.

Aníbal Torres es titular de la PCM desde febrero de 2022. | Foto: PCM
Aníbal Torres es titular de la PCM desde febrero de 2022. | Foto: PCM


According to the newspaper Correo, of the 6 total interpellation motions, three have already been submitted to the Congressional Office, one is in preparation, and two are in the process of collecting signatures.

Another of the interpellation motions is against Interior Minister Alfonso Chavarry, who will have to answer for the actions of the Peruvian National Police (PNP) during this month's protests that took place in various parts of the country and for the deaths of protesters. This motion was presented on April 12 by the Democratic Change Bank.

The third motion on the way is against the Minister of Energy and Mines, Carlos Palacios, who will have to answer for his alleged closeness to the former governor of Junín and investigated for money laundering, Vladimir Cerrón, and for the appointment of officials without the proper profile in Minem. This motion was presented by the Popular Action bench.

On the other hand, the Avanza País bench is preparing two interpellation motions against the Minister of Labor, Betssy Chavez, and the Minister of Agriculture, Óscar Zea. The holder of the Labor portfolio will be asked about the air traffic controllers strike last week, which affected thousands of passengers. Meanwhile, Minister Zea, would answer for his accusations of the crime of murder, the investigation that is followed by embezzlement, in addition to his alleged lack of professional profile to be in charge of the Agriculture portfolio.

The motion currently being drafted would be filed by the Popular Renewal Bench against the Minister for Women, Diana Miloslavich, for refusing to respond to her position on the legalization of abortion in the Congressional Justice Commission. This would be presented next week.

It should be noted that in order for the motion to be accepted and the minister in question to be summoned, at least 44 votes of parliamentarians are required. Then it is possible to proceed to a censure that with the vote of half of the congressmen (66 on average) and cause the censored minister to leave office.


