Easter: What days do you not eat meat and why do you keep fasting?

This is one of the most popular traditions at Easter, which is kept alive over the years. Find out why they are still practicing it.




Peru is one of the countries in Latin America that still keeps alive the tradition of celebrating Holy Week, this season of reflection that unites religious families, whether at home or in the temples due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, non-working days are granted in most workplaces so that they can disconnect thanks to the so-called long holiday that lasts 4 days.

In the midst of this religious commemoration for the life, passion and death of Jesus, there are certain activities that are fulfilled that have not changed over the years. This is related to food and what cannot be eaten at certain times. This is how many faithful change their diet to join these activities.

The latest news on Holy Week: What happened to the cross where Jesus died crucified?


This is a practice that Catholics still maintain, a fact that leads them to give up the consumption of red meat throughout Lent in order to remember the sacrifice of the son of God. Although fish can be eaten, many faithful choose to make a fast. This change in food takes place on Good Friday, to be celebrated this April 15, 2022.


But why can't we eat meat at Easter? The historical context defines that this type of food was considered special and difficult to access, since not everyone could have them on the table. It is for this reason that consuming it is related to luxuries, lust and pride, something that distances itself from faith and its purposes in believers.

In order not to go against it, the first Christians to start these celebrations decided that they should be consumed on the day commemorating the resurrection of Christ. Another reason explains that we avoid eating meat during Holy Week to start the reflection process by remembering Jesus' sacrifice for all creations on Earth.

Find out more about Holy Week: know what the paschal triduum is and what is its origin


This is a food that takes center stage as it is the nutritious alternative to replace red meat that by Catholic tradition should not be consumed. According to the latest report issued by RPP, the price of some fish such as bonito, toyo, mackerel and horse mackerel have increased slightly.

At the fishing terminal of Villa María del Triunfo you can find these prices: the kilo of bonito is 5 soles (before S/2.50), the toyo at 13 soles per kilo (before S/11), the mackerel at two soles 50 and the horse mackerel at 5 soles. It should be noted that there may be a variation in the cost as it increases with the holidays of this Holy Week.

If you are organizing lunches and dinners, here are some delicious options for you to cook these fish-based recipes at home. Follow this step by step!

Option 1: How to make fish sweat: Peruvian recipe and easy to prepare

Option 2: Prepare a “Fish Chupe” with the Peruvian recipe

Option 3: Fish jelly: the best of the sea to the table - Peruvian recipe

Option 4: How to prepare sweaty fish in the north

Option 5: Step by step on how to prepare a juicy carter ceviche


These days in the month of April are used by many Peruvians to go on a trip, either on short or longer routes. Those who have these benefits can organize their week taking into account which days have been declared official holidays, according to the government.

Holy Thursday: April 14

Good Friday: April 15

Holy Saturday: April 16

Resurrection Sunday: April 17


