Carlos Rivera shocked Cynthia Rodriguez with shirtless photograph

The artist surprised his fans with a couple of photographs that were taken from the privacy of his home




Carlos Rivera set fire to social networks with a couple of photographs that ended up stealing thousands of sighs from his fans. That was not all, the singer's publication also blushed his girlfriend, Cynthia Rodriguez, who upon encountering the revealing images did not hesitate to send him a brief but powerful flattery.

During the morning of this Wednesday, April 6, the interpreter of How many times, Let what ours stay ours, I was waiting for you, Remember Me and 100 years impressed his more than 7 million followers on Instagram with some photographs that he took from the privacy of his room, specifically, in front of the mirror of his bathroom.

The actor who was recently part of José, the dreamer posed only with a pair of pants, exposing his marked abdomen and contoured arms.

El cantante es considerado uno de los más guapos en la actualidad. (Captura: @_carlosrivera/Instagram)

Where is Carlitos? Here 'ta! “, he wrote in reference to the game he tried to make with the images: in the first he appeared covering his face with the phone, in the second he moved the device showing off his face framed by black lenses.

After a few seconds, the publication exceeded 50 thousand likes and the comment box was overcrowded with flattery in honor of the singer. Among fire emojis, flushed faces, faces in love and hearts, he highlighted the comment left by Cynthia Rodríguez: “All that.”

The message of the host of Venga la Alegría resonated with the interpreter's followers because the couple usually keep their dating private. However, for a few months they have been surprised to react on their social media posts and leave some rogue comments.

(Foto: Instagram/@cynxriv)

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