How to take care of my cell phone? 4 indispensable tips to protect your mobile phone

If you want the useful life of your equipment to increase and thus ensure its proper functioning, then you should read this article.




Today, mobile devices are an indispensable part of our daily lives because they allow us to manage multiple activities and keep us connected to the world. Approximately 95% of Peruvians access websites from a mobile phone, which shows the strong connection we have with technology; for this reason, it is very important to use and care for mobile devices.

Cell phones and other equipment are part of our daily routine, even when people go to the bathroom they do it with their cell phones. These teams make our lives easier because with the onset of COVID-19, which the pandemic brought with it, many people work from home, which is why they must be attentive to any circumstances that arise in their work and all the more reason to have the cell phone at hand.

This goes further, since it is not only for work issues, but many families have split up for different reasons and that is why in any emergency they prefer to have their cell phone handy.

“Technology continues to demonstrate the fundamental role it plays in people's lives and the great support it means to achieve their goals. That's why several companies offer smartphones that fit each consumer's style, offering innovative and attractive options at affordable prices for everyone,” says Jesús Hung, director of TCL Communications.

Along these lines, the specialist shares 4 key recommendations to take care of your cell phone, ensure its proper functioning and its lifespan.

1. Avoid extreme light. Leaving your phone in direct exposure to the sun can cause serious damage to the screen and battery; therefore, whenever you are going to be in open spaces such as beach or pool, it is recommended that you store it somewhere that protects it from heat and direct light. Even though your computer has a high-resolution Full HD screen, which allows you to view the content in sunlight, it is important to keep in mind this recommendation especially in outdoor areas.

2. Use a class to prevent damage. On the beach or in the field, cell phones are more exposed to scratches caused by contact with sand or grass; in addition, continuous handling in these environments with our hands can easily cause the device to be scratched. To avoid these mishaps, you need to use a case for your team. The case is a cell phone body protector. Use those that have a lot of resistance and preferably that are thick so that your phone has greater protection against a fall.

3. Make sure that the device does not come into contact with water. In recent years, various water resistance functions have been incorporated into mobile phones; however, the specialist recommends that it is best to avoid exposure to humid environments to prevent internal damage to the smartphone, which ensures that it has a longer life time and is keep in better condition.

4. Charge the cell phone correctly. We use the cell phone almost all the time, even when it is charging, which is really harmful to the computer.

The specialist indicates that constantly connecting and unplugging the smartphone is a bad habit that can have serious consequences on the computer, such as damaging the cycle of battery life.

The correct manipulation when charging your phone, is to leave it connected and wait for the charge to reach 100% without interrupting the charging process.


