Miss World 2021: Who is the Polish representative Karolina Bielawska who won the beauty contest?

Karolina Bielawska is officially Tony Ann Singh, Jamaica, the predecessor of Miss World 2019.




Karolina Bielawska, who represents Poland, has become the new winner of Miss World 2021.This edition was held in Puerto Rico. Polish blonde won the jury Grabbed and surpassed Shree Saini (Shree Saini) from the United States. It surpassed Olivia Yace from Côte d'Ivoire, the second runner-up of the contest.

Karolina Bielawska, who is only 23 years old, is officially the predecessor of Miss World 2019, Tony Ann Singh, Jamaica. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the contest was postponed for a year, and 40 participants from all over the world participated in the final gala. Peruvian representative Paula Montes was disqualified.

“I still can't believe it was the second Miss World in Polish history. I am proud to bring that crown to my country. I have no words to express how grateful I am for this opportunity and the tremendous support I have received from so many people.Always fight for your dreams until the end.” She wrote on her Instagram account after being announced as a winner.

Meet Karolina Bielawska, Miss World 2021

The winner of the Miss World 2021 contest, Karolina Bielwska, who speaks Polish and English, has a bachelor's degree in business administration and holds a master's degree in business administration. According to the profile of the Miss World Organization, he wants to continue his professional studies with a Ph.D. degree.

In addition to research, she works as a model and wants to one day become a TV presenter or motivational speaker. His hobbies include sports such as swimming, diving, tennis and badminton. His greatest passion is traveling. “Untouchable Friends” or “Untouchable” are his favorite films.

The Miss World organization wrote in a post on her Instagram account that Karolina is passionate about volunteering and is always dedicated to doing it. His personal motto is “Greatness is measured by courage and heart”.

“Beauty of Purpose” in Spanish, the project “Zupa Na Pietrynie” by Karolina, provides constant assistance to homeless people in crisis. In addition to raising awareness about this issue and fighting against social exclusion.

Through her project, she provides food, food packages, drinks, clothing, masks, legal advice and professional medical assistance to about 300 people in need every Sunday in the Polish city of Lodz. His project allowed more than 400 homeless people to be vaccinated.The first social bath for the homeless was also built.

On November 24, 2019, she represented Łódź at Miss Poland 2019 and competed with 19 other candidates at the Narwil Conference & Spa Hotel in Serok, Legionovo County, Poland.She won the title and was nominated for Poland for Miss World 2020. Due to the novel coronavirus pandemic, the Miss World 2020 event was canceled, leaving her the title of Miss World Poland 2021.

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