Expert Report Confirms the Olympic Golf Course Brought Environmental Claims

The Olympic Golf Course brought environmental gains to Marapendi APA - where it is located.

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The Olympic Golf Course, in Barra da Tijuca, brought environmental gains to the plot where it is being implemented and for the Marapendi APA - where it is located. That is the conclusion of the expert designated by the State Court of Appeal after a thoroughly inspection in December 2015, which was done in the presence of district attorneys, chief advisors and environment-relate technicians (such as biologists, soil and forest scientists, architects and urban planners). According to the expert report - requested by the State Prosecutor’s Office while questioning the environmental impact the construction would cause – the golf course generated benefits to the region’s ecosystem, as it increased the vegetation area though the recovery of a region that was degraded since the 80’s and thus, incremented the fauna.

"The said area was totally degraded before the works started, except the Protection Band (FMP in Portuguese). (…) The very moment the area recovers its biodiversity, following the surrounding Conservation Unit’s outlook, it becomes an important part to support and maintain the biodiversity and thus, an agent inducing such biodiversity", states the report.

A 27-page report, the document informs, "There was an environmental and landscape gain with the implementation of the project", benefits that were noted by the expert who went through the entire property at the end of last year. The document points out; for example, that the implementation of the golf course implies in a vegetation area increase of 167% at the end of the works, compared to the native vegetation found beforehand.

Extra findings are that the Project did not generate any loss to the Protection Band bordering the Marapendi Lagoon. In certain parts of the text, the expert states that, "The Protection Band suffered few re-plantation or transplanting, keeping its original format. Once the Olympic Golf Course project started, the main developing vector was the natural evolution of existing flora and fauna".

The analysis confirmed yet that the area was totally degraded before the works. "Anteriorly to the interventions, the panorama in the area was of environmental degradation, with the throughout worsening of the setting, generating a contrast with the natural scenery in which it is immersed and the neighboring lake system. The piece of land where it is being built the golf course had been deteriorated by sand extraction and, posteriorly, used for the production and deposit of pre-molded concrete pieces used in the construction of CIEPs(2). The natural environment’s dispossession of characteristics for a period that lasted from the mid-80’s until the 90’s led to the appearance of an extensive area with no vegetation at all.

Another advantage found by the inspection was in the execution of the transplantation of some native species in the area. That was done only when necessary and if the operation was successful. Furthermore, the seedlings produced in the nursery built in loco were successfully planted.

In the report, the expert admits that the project also brought benefits to the fauna in the area. "From the listed reports, we can notice that the fauna’s population existing in the Olympic Golf Course area will promote an increase in the biodiversity and an enrichment of the wild fauna all through the implementation and operation phases", says the document. Adding that, "Since the initial inventory (from June 2013) and until the actual inventory (November 2015) the registration of fauna population went from 118 to 263 species".

The report mentions that birds such as burrowing owls, which live on insects, already populate the area. It points out that during the inspection vestiges of mammals were found (excrements, tracks, footprints) and some were also observed in loco during construction time.

Finally, the report adds that the eco-trails for the circulation of terrestrial animals were protected. "The trails in the area are located on the zones maintained or repopulated. During the period when the OGC is empty, such as nighttime, heavy-rain days etc., the animals move normally around the lawn and the existing trails".

(1) APA stands for "Área de Proteção Ambiental" (Environment Protection Area), a legally protected area due to its environment’s specificity. (N.T.)

(2) The CIEP (Centros Integrados de Educação Pública) – Integrated Center for Public Education - was part of an educational project designed by then vice-governor Darcy Ribeiro during Leonel Brizola’s 1983-1987 term in the Rio de Janeiro State. (N.T.)

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