Foreign Minister Landa confirms that Peru will not comply with TC ruling ordering the release of Alberto Fujimori

The head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs says that the decision of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights will be respected.




The government has spoken out on the future of former president Alberto Fujimori, stating that it will respect what was ordered by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR), which requests not to comply with the ruling of the Constitutional Court in favor of the person convicted of the massacre of Barrios Altos and La Cantuta. The announcement was made through Chancellor César Landa.

By resolution of the Inter-American Court, Peru must refrain from implementing the ruling of the Constitutional Court of March 17, 2022, which ordered to 'restore' the effects of the pardon of December 24, 2017 granted to Alberto Fujimori, since it did not comply with what was ordered by the Inter-American Court,” he described on his social networks.

It should be recalled that Alberto Fujimori was on the verge of regaining his freedom after the vote of four judges of the Constitutional Court. Ernesto Blume, José Luis Sardón and Augusto Ferrero, the latter being the president of the organ gave the final vote against the three against represented by Manuel Miranda, Marianella Ledesma Narváez and Eloy Espinosa-Saldaña.

César Landa en contra de fallo a favor de Alberto Fujimori.
César Landa en contra de fallo a favor de Alberto Fujimori.

Specifically, (the TC did not comply with) the conditions determined in the Resolution on Supervision of Enforcement of Sentences of May 30, 2018,” the Foreign Minister said after hearing the IACHR's resolution written after a virtual public hearing on April 1, where he heard the relatives of the victims of the Barrios cases Altos and La Cantuta, as well as the Peruvian State and the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR).

The State of Peru must refrain from implementing the judgment handed down by the Constitutional Court of Peru on March 17, 2022, which restores the effects of the pardon 'for humanitarian reasons' granted to Alberto Fujimori Fujimori on December 24, 2017, due to its failure to comply with the conditions determined in the resolution of supervision of compliance with sentences of May 30, 2018,” said the Court.


The former presidential candidate and daughter of the imprisoned former president rejected what was announced by the IACHR. “We have received this news with great pain, because of what they are doing to our father. We had a little hope that the IACHR, as it did last time, would maintain my father's freedom, but this is the second time that he has been deeply disappointed,” he told the media.

Keiko Fujimori.
Keiko Fujimori.

Moments later he questioned the announcement, citing the delay in the process that would allow Fujimori to be released from prison. “I feel that this is not justice, I feel that these are not human rights. It is absolutely unfair for a person who is absolutely ill and who is an elderly man,” he said.

The Fujimorists and their moles will hate me for saying this, but I have to say it: 'The corrupt and criminal will not get out of jail! The IACHR requires Peru to suspend its release, '” said former presidential candidate and future mayoral candidate of Lima, Daniel Urresti. Former congressman Richard Arce recalled that the Peruvian state is a subscriber to the IACHR, so it must respect its decision despite the fact that the highest body of interpretation of the Constitution dictates otherwise.

Liberación de Alberto Fujimori es detenida por la CIDH.
Liberación de Alberto Fujimori es detenida por la CIDH.

According to Congressman Wilmar Elera, the candidates for magistrate of the Constitutional Court recognized the supranational instances of justice to which Peru is attached. “No one has said otherwise, which means that they do know international law,” he said of the six elected by the special commission as eligible to join the TC.


