Laura Zapata the real mother of Thalia? : Lucero's mother would have sparked the rumor

The actress commented that she would never have been able to deny the existence of any of her children, contrary to what is speculated

Several years ago there was a rumor that Laura Zapata was Thalia's real mother, not Yolanda Miranda. Although speculations have been clarified on previous occasions, it seems that the mystery persists among the public. For that reason, the soap opera villain flatly denied the assumptions and confessed that everything came about because of a comment that Lucero's mother would have made.

The 65-year-old interpreter gave an interview to the entertainment journalist Inés Moreno, where she was again questioned about the veracity of the data that has marked her artistic career. To begin with, Laura Zapata regretted that the situation is based on the experiences of mothers who found themselves in the need to hide their pregnancy to keep up appearances.

“Families secret, I imagine that with such a criterion, right? , who want to look good with others and that someone who has a son and mother has to say 'it's mine, 'which has happened but it's not my case,” he said.

The Mexican singer and actress was born on August 26, 1971, she is currently 50 years old. (USA). EFE/ Giorgio Viera/Archive

In this way, Laura Zapata confirmed between her and Thalia there is only one bond of brotherhood. It should be remembered that the former MasterChef Celebrity Mexico participant is the result of Yolanda Andrade's first marriage to Guillermo Zapata, while the protagonist of María la del barrio is the daughter of Ernesto Sodi, who is also Ernestina's father.

However, that was not all he told about the subject. For the first time in her entire career within the medium, the actress told that the rumor about her supposed motherhood with the performer of No Me Cuerdo arose after a comment that Lucero León, mother of the iBride of America/i, would have made in front of several people and one of them passed the information to her.

“Someone told me that [...] came out of a table where Lucero's mother was sitting and she said that Thalia was my daughter, it's the first time I've said it, I didn't even remember that anymore,” he said.

So far, Lucero León has not denied or confirmed the information (Photo: Cuartoscuro)

Finally, Laura Zapata mentioned that she is not uncomfortable with the rumors that suggest that she would be Thalia's real mother and rectified that she would never have been able to hide it if she were her daughter, on the contrary, she would be proud to be her mother.

“This is done by a person who is afraid of society, who wants to look good with someone, but I say hide a child? Deny a child? Overlap a son? , it seems absurd to me, it seems silly to me, I would not be able to do such a thing”, he added.

The interpreter did not want to give more details about it, but she hinted that it is a rumor that has no importance in her life. On the other hand, during the same talk with Inés Moreno she recalled what it was like to work with her sister in María Mercedes where her characters were the main characters, the protagonist and antagonist respectively.