Alberto Fujimori: Peruvian artists reject TC ruling that frees former president

Different Peruvian artists expressed their discomfort at the ruling of the Constitutional Court that ordered the release of former President Alberto Fujimori, who was sentenced to 25 years in prison for crimes against humanity.




The Constitutional Court issued a ruling that releases former President Alberto Fujimori, sentenced to 25 years in prison for the massacres in Barrios Altos and La Cantuta. The decision of the TC caused great indignation among human rights defenders, as well as in different Peruvian artists.

It should be noted that this is not the first time that Keiko Fujimori's father has been released from prison, in 2018, then-President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski granted him a pardon that was later revoked by the judiciary.

However, the defense of the former president filed an appeal, defended by lawyer César Nakazaki, which recommended that the popular 'Chino' be released because of his advanced age.

This news has caused a stir, causing different Peruvian artists to use their social networks to express their disagreement with the Constitutional Court's decision.

Actress Tatiana Astengo, who has always opposed the Fujimorist regime, was one of the first to come out to protest against the TC's decision. “Country of violators of rights, genocidal and impunity. That is the message to all new generations. Fujimorism continues to manage the country as it pleases.”

Tatiana Astengo against Fujimori's release.
Tatiana Astengo against Fujimori's release. (Photo: Twitter)

Another one who came out to speak out was Jesús Neyra, assuring that the structure of the State is not working in the best way. “Did they let Fujimori out, TC? And crimes against humanity? It's clear who's in charge in the country. Decades will pass and man's ambition will be the same. What little trust we had left in the state structure has just been lost.”

Jesús Neyra outrage over ruling in favor of Fujimori.
Jesús Neyra outrage over ruling in favor of Fujimori. (Photo: Twitter)

Ebelín Ortiz was not silent either, noting that although Fujimori never acknowledged his crimes, they reward him with freedom. He also recalled that the former president owes a civil reparation of 8 million soles.

National Shame. The prisoner who costs the country the most expensive goes free. Without asking for forgiveness, without paying civil reparations to the State, deceiving us with his illness. What can you do with 8 million soles? That, and more is what former prisoner president Alberto Fujimori owes,” he wrote.

Ebelin Ortiz upset about Alberto Fujimori's release.
Ebelin Ortiz upset about Alberto Fujimori's release. (Photo: Twitter)


Although Alberto Fujimori has already been released, he will remain in prison for a few more days. The defense of the former president, César Nakazaki, explained that, due to bureaucratic processes, his release will not be given immediately and will take longer than expected.

Upon his release from Ate prison, the lawyer indicated that, as tomorrow is Friday, the former president's official notice of release could only be sent on Monday to the National Penitentiary Institute of Peru (INPE).

It is up to the TC to officiate the supreme criminal execution judge, who is the one who gives the order of freedom. He is now the supreme judge of Criminal Execution who will order that the effects of the pardon granted by former President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski be restored,” he told the press.


