Personality test: the first thing you see reveals what you pretend to be when you are in love

This visual personality test will help you be more honest with you and your partner.




To fall deeply in love and maintain a healthy relationship that will stand the test of time, you must be willing to show your boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife or partner all the traits true of your personality: the good, the bad, the good and the bad. and the ugly, and I hope they accept this offering as it is, but often it is not so, since people prefer to hide some things about their personality especially when they fall in love.

In the early stages of the relationships, there are aspects of ourselves that we would rather keep secret for a while because of the fear of rejection. To hide the characteristics that we consider to be flaws, we pretend to have other traits that we think will give us points in favor of the person we are interested in.

If the facade you present is just one facet of your personality, that's one thing. But if you pretend to be someone else entirely, it could mean condemning your relationship to a sudden and certain death.

But sometimes, the personalities we adopt when we fall in love appear so quickly that we don't even know what they are.


If you want to know who you intend to be in relationships, you're in the right place. The following personality test will help you solve this puzzle quickly and effectively. To do this, you just have to observe the image and the first thing that identifies your view is what you usually pretend to be in a relationship. You'll find the answer at the bottom.

Personality test: the figure you identify reveals what you pretend to be when you are in love. (Photo: Capture Pinterest)


Then find out what is in that image you chose.

1. The profile of the man:

If you saw the man's profile first when you looked at the picture, you secretly pretend to be someone who is not afraid of anything in relationships.

When you start dating someone and the relationship becomes serious, you like to give the impression of being a person who will not allow anything to stop you from forming a strong romantic bond. You pretend that nothing is going to make you shudder when you start dating someone, even if inside you are terrified of this new commitment.

Try to remember that you are not alone in this relationship. Your partner will feel more secure knowing that you share their hopes and fears. If you seem to have supernatural control over your emotions, that will only create a wedge between you.

2. Man playing the pipe:

If you saw the man's profile first when you looked at the picture, you secretly pretend to be someone who always sees the bright side of life in relationships.

When you two met, you were the life of the party, and now that you're official, you have no plans to let this person think you let the party stop for a minute. After all, what are they going to think if you need to take a night off? That you're a loser?

No one is a one-person party machine all his life. If this person wants to be with you, he sure loves your wild side, but he also expects to know all the other parts of you.

3. The woman with the wreath of flowers:

If you saw the man's profile first when you looked at the picture, you secretly pretend to be someone who has no temperament in relationships.

You know that the last thing a lot of people want is someone hysterical who isn't in charge of their emotions, so you do your best to channel your internal therapist and always present a smiling face and sensible behavior. If this kind of thing really caused people ulcers, you'd already have one.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with expressing anger when you feel angry. Your partner is much more likely to understand the urge to get angry than to understand why you feel the need to hide it from them.


