Ulises Ruiz requested the annulment of the Mandate Revocation

The former governor of Oaxaca assured that public resources were used to promote the participatory exercise




The former governor of Oaxaca, Ulises Ruiz, requested the annulment of the Mandate Revocation, since, he said, public resources were used by different officials of the Fourth Transformation, to promote citizen consultation.

Through his Twitter account, Ulises Ruiz indicated that he went to the Electoral Tribunal of the Judiciary of the Federation (TEPJF) to request the nullity of the participatory exercise.

“I requested the annulment of the Revocation for the use of public resources to promote AMLO, Gobs (governors), ptes mpales (municipal presidents) and Morena, the violation from the submission of signatures to the conclusion, let's hope that TEPJF does not sell like the four ministers of the SCJN and annul this robbery of AMLO,” he wrote, while showed the photograph of the application for the challenge.


This is the second legal remedy requesting the annulment of the Mandate Revocation submitted after April 10, when the popular consultation was held.

The first of these was filed by the Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD), which, through its national president, Jesús Zambrano, filed with the National Electoral Institute (INE) an appeal for the nullity of the process.

According to Sol Azteca, the purpose of the trial of disagreement is for the electoral authority to cancel the exercise for the “blatant” violations of the Political Constitution and basic electoral principles, using public resources and the intervention of officials, including the President of the Republic.

At a press conference, Jesús Zambrano Grijalva stressed that if the Revocation is not annulled, the body can leave the “extremely dangerous” precedent that the basic principles of the Constitution, electoral mandates and various legal systems can be violated, as well as electoral bodies, the Electoral Tribunal of the Judiciary of the Federation (TEPJF), judgments of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) and the Legislative Power itself.

El PRD también presentó un recurso de nulidad contra la Revocación de Mandato, celebrada el pasado 10 de abril. (Foto: Twitter/@PRDMexico)
El PRD también presentó un recurso de nulidad contra la Revocación de Mandato, celebrada el pasado 10 de abril. (Foto: Twitter/@PRDMexico)

“We cannot allow it to remain as part of the picaresque politics, as something that does not matter. We don't want a precedent to be set for the upcoming electoral processes; we don't want people to think that simply and simply the law can be blown away and that there are no consequences,” he emphasized.

The leader of Sol Azteca asserted that the nullity of the process for the revocation of the mandate must have consequences for those who engaged in unlawful conduct. “The one who caused all this, as the main flyer of all these precepts is the President of the Republic, who would have to be subjected to a new process,” he added.

In this regard, he accused the federal president, the head of the Ministry of the Interior (Segob), the commander of the National Guard, senior officials of the Federal Government, governors, and senior leaders of Morena of electoral crime, who acted “in a gang tumultuously” and that “must be subjects of law enforcement and be punished for committing serious crimes in violating electoral systems”.

(Foto: Twitter/@PRDMexico)
(Foto: Twitter/@PRDMexico)

Meanwhile, the party's representative to the INE, Ángel Ávila Romero, explained that the invalidity arose due to two grievances: the intervention of resources of illicit origin, deployed through the organization Let Democracy Follow, and that it violates the Political Constitution, the General Law on the Revocation of Mandate; as well as the resolutions of the Supreme Court of Justice.

In addition to the intervention of public officials. “Starting with the President of the Republic, the head of government, governors, municipal presidents, federal and local deputies, all emanating from Morena who violated the Constitution, the Law and the resolutions that violates the principle of neutrality established in Article 134 of the Constitution and the principle of Equity in contention”, he denounced.


