Easter in Cajamarca: the best typical dishes to enjoy in this area

If you plan to travel to Cajamarca, you need to try the typical dishes of the area. Find out what they are in this note.




Cajamarca's gastronomy is one of the most outstanding in Peru and part of its preparation has ingredients originating in the country.

With the appearance of the Spaniards in Inca lands, the inhabitants made a synergy between Spanish and national ingredients. The guinea pig, lamb, chili pepper, corn or corn and yellow potato are part of the main elements of Cajamarca's typical dishes.

At Easter, Cajamarca is one of the most visited destinations by tourists and that is why, below we will show you 10 dishes typical of this region.

1. Frito Cajamarquino:

This is one of the most traditional and emblematic meals, which are enjoyed during the carnival season. This dish has fried pieces of pork giblet breaded with saffron, accompanied by cooked and undone potato, similar to that of a puree. To this mixture you can add a juicy and spicy portion of fish ceviche.

Frito Cajamarquino. (Foto: Captura)
Frito Cajamarquino. (Foto: Captura)

2. Chochoca soup with jerky:

Corn flour is the ingredient star of chochoca soup. This broth also has beef and vegetables such as celery and yellow potatoes as ingredients.

In certain areas of Cajamarca, eggs and cheese are also added. There is also another option of chochoca soup and to this one is added the cecina.

Sopa de chochoca con cecina. (Foto: Captura)
Sopa de chochoca con cecina. (Foto: Captura)

3. Puchero the Sancochado:

The Cajamarquino stew is a typical dish that is also frequently prepared during carnival. It has another name by which it is known and that is parcochado. Its main ingredients are potatoes, cabbage and three types of meat: pork, beef and ram. In addition, it is accompanied with sweet potato or yucca. If you like spicy, you can serve it with huacatay pepper. A delicacy to the palate.

Puchero o sancochado. (Foto: Captura)
Puchero o sancochado. (Foto: Captura)

4. Lamb's Head Broth:

Lamb's head broth is ideal for cold weather and in Cajamarca it is known as Uman Caldo, this soup is similar to parboiled, because of the ingredients, since it contains potatoes, cassava, celery and sheep meat, which provide many nutrients that allow great energy to the body.

Caldo de cabeza de cordero. (Foto: Captura)
Caldo de cabeza de cordero. (Foto: Captura)

5. Green broth:

The green broth or Yaku Chupe is a soup of Andean origin made with Cajamarquino cheese, potatoes, eggs and aromatic herbs from the region such as paico, peppermint and parsley. In addition, it is accompanied by a portion of mountain court or Andean corn. This soup is ideal for combating the Cajamarquino cold and also has healing properties.

Caldo verde. (Foto: Captura)
Caldo verde. (Foto: Captura)

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6. Fried guinea pig with potato spicy:

This dish is prepared in different regions of the country, especially in the highlands of Peru, but each place has a special seasoning and that is the case of Cajamarca. This prey is fried to the point of being crispy and served with potato seasoned with chili panca, peanuts, pepper and salt. It is also accompanied with creole onion and rocoto sauce.

Cuy frito con picante de papa. (Foto: Captura)
Cuy frito con picante de papa. (Foto: Captura)

7. Pork rinds with nickname:

The chicharrón de Cajamarca is a dish based on the frying of pork seasoned with pepper and salt, crispy and golden in its own fat, served with parboiled or golden potatoes, abundant mote and onion and mint salad. It is suggested to accompany this delicious meal with a traditional drink from the area, such as chicha de jora.

Chicharrón con mote. (Foto: Captura)
Chicharrón con mote. (Foto: Captura)

8. Humita:

Cajamarquina humitas are consumed at any time, it is very similar to a tamale. It is made from ground corn and seasoned with raisins, wrapped in panca or dry corn leaf.

There are two types of humitas, sweet and savory, in the case of sweet ones they have cheese, sugar and raisins, while salty ones have meat and vegetables.

Humita de Cajamarca. (Foto: Captura)
Humita de Cajamarca. (Foto: Captura)

9. Milk sweets:

It is important to make it clear that Cajamarca is an area with great milk production, and they even distribute the dairy product nationally. In addition to the liquid product, derived products such as white delicacy, butter, ice cream, yogurt and cheese are created. In the case of the white delicacy it is also known as dulce de leche. Nowadays, this dulce de leche is made of different flavors such as lucuma, chocolate, cherimoya, quinoa, among others.

Los dulces de leche. (Foto: Captura)
Los dulces de leche. (Foto: Captura)

10. Cheese with honey:

The cheese with honey is prepared with milk, cream, cinnamon and cloves of species. When the mixture sets, it is served and honey is added to it. This dessert is one of the most consumed in the area.

Quesillo con miel. (Foto: Captura)
Quesillo con miel. (Foto: Captura)


