Pedro Castillo repeals curfew: Congressmen lamented government indecisions

Parliamentarians were against the president experimenting with the population.

In the face of pressure from millions of Peruvians, President Pedro Castillo rescinded the measure of citizen irremovability that had been decreed for today, Tuesday 5th of April in Metropolitan Lima and Callao.

“I must announce that from (this) moment, we are going to cease this immobility, it is necessary to call for the tranquility of the Peruvian people,” he said at the Congress of the Republic where he meets with parliamentary spokesmen.

In making the announcement, Castillo also considered that the government cannot endorse attitudes that go beyond the constitutional right to protest, such as blocking roads or attacking private property; situations that have arisen in recent days.

Faced with the repeal of the curfew, which provoked demonstrations in various parts of the capital, the president of the Congress, María del Carmen Alva, specified that this achievement is thanks to the “people”.

“The first tangible achievement of the meeting in Congress with representatives of the Executive: Faced with the demand made in the statement of the Board of Spokespersons, President Castillo announces that irremovability is lifted. The people did it!” , posted on his Twitter.

Twitter de María del Carmen Alva.


Flor Pablo — Congressman of the Purple Party

“Actually, what I want to say is that I should use the strategies that have been used by the governments that have gone before you. How is it done? With a perspective, not to make a clean slate in the State, you have to accumulate on what others have done, but that is done with designations of people who know. In this time of crisis, you cannot have people in the government who come to learn, to make diagnoses. This is the time for solutions,” he said.

Wilson Soto — People's Action Congressman

“Pedro Castillo abandoned the dialogue that seeks solutions to the crisis in order to write the lifting of irremovability at 5:30pm. Are those actions the country expects?” , the parliamentarian posted.

Norma Yarrow — Congressman of Avanza Pais

“The march, Mr. Castillo, is not to lift the order of irremovability. Respect Peruvians!” , he tweeted.

Alejandro Muñante — Congressman of Popular Renewal

“Castillo announces to the Board of Spokespersons that as of this moment the curfew is lifted (DS 034-2022-PCM). Unheard of me having to wait all this to reconsider. To fight now for the repeal of DS 030-2022-PCM, which restricts the constitutional freedoms of those who do not have the 3rd dose,” he said.

Silvana Robles — Congressman of Free Peru

“I call on Congressmen Rosangella Barbarán, Patricia Chirinos and Norma Yarrow to stop whipping protesters outside Congress. Opening the police cordon is to jeopardize the integrity of the population and the authorities gathered there. Prudence!” , he posted.


The mayor of Lima, Jorge Muñoz, urged the president not to carry out further experiments when governing Peru, otherwise, he invited him to resign from the position of president.

“Faced with citizen and institutional demands, Mr. Pedro Castillo ended his harmful curfew. From now on, President, we ask you not to do any more experiments: take the reins of the country or step aside now!” , tweeted the capital's burgomaster.