Epigmenio Ibarra lashed out against INE director for talk with Brozo: “Patiño del clown”

After announcing a conversation with the comedian, Ciro Murayama was criticized by Morena and the filmmaker




Through its official account, the Movimiento Regeneración Nacional (Morena) party criticized the director of the National Electoral Institute (INE) for talking with Victor Trujillo for the Latinus news site.

The announcement of the talk was criticized by different people mainly related to the government of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO), as the Institute has been singled out for sabotaging the Mandate Revocation.

In fact, the same party reproached Ciro Murayama who announced that he would have a talk with Brozo, so they assured that the counselor was submissive to the powers that be and money.

The cherry party assured that the work of the counselors must guarantee the impartiality of democracy, so if you cannot, “resign and join a political party, the PRI, the PAN, PRD or MC, whichever one you like the most,” he declared on the social network.

Brozo y Murayama fueron criticados por Morena (Foto: Twitter/@PartidoMorenaMx)

Murayama later assured that the announcement had struck someone in power. So a few minutes later the cherry match turned against him.

“Make no mistake, Counselor, do not 'calm' us, unlike you, freedom of expression. On the contrary, we suggest that you express your political positions from a party, transparently, and not from a space where your job is to guarantee impartiality. Greetings”

For this reason, the filmmaker and supporter of Andrés Manuel's government replied with a brief message in which he likewise mocked Murayama, calling him a clown or an assistant.

Electoral counselor, clown or patiño del clown...” wrote Ibarra on his official Twitter account. This comment was supported by different users of the network with comments such as “Patiño and by the way very expensive” or “El Patiño undoubtedly! That is what INE officials are (sic.) reduced to”.

(foto: Twitter/@epigmenioibarra)

There were also those who called Ibarra as government propagandist or who condemned the government of the Fourth Transformation.

The conversation was published at eight o'clock in the evening of this first of April, but in the face of the wave of criticism, Murayama ironized the matter saying that even before it was broadcast, he had already made several uncomfortable.

“Well, my conversation with #TeneBrozo on @latinus_us is online that, before it was broadcast, had already made many uncomfortable. It will be for something. If you like them, go ahead. Orale”. In that talk he spoke about his role as a counselor, about the functions of the INE as an arbitrator that contains power and that there are balances.

But this is not the first time that the filmmaker and strong defender of the government has lashed out at the councillor, because at the end of March, Murayama participated in an event organized by the Yes for Mexico alliance, made up of the parties PAN, PRI and PRD.

(foto: Twitter/@CiroMurayamaINE)

Along with the filmmaker, there were comments against the counselor who argued that it was an alleged union against the president.

“It's the best demonstration that they are not referees, they put on their shirts and started playing on one side. Who has to defend the democratic institution?” , said the head of Government Claudia Sheinbaum in this regard.

The party and the Institute's councillors have held a series of confrontations resulting from the Mandate Revocation Consultation that will take place on April 10.

In view of this, Councillor Murayama has remained active on his social networks defending the Institute and its functions, as well as the measures he has taken against comments and publicity promoting the consultation.


