Negative image of President Duque does not rise and stands at 73%

Only 23% of Colombians approve the right-wing president



Foto de archivo del presidente de Colombia, Iván Duque. EFE/Joan Mas
Foto de archivo del presidente de Colombia, Iván Duque. EFE/Joan Mas

The negative image of President Iván Duque remains in the red, according to the Invamer poll published on March 30. According to the document, 73% of Colombians disapprove of their government, being one of the rulers with the highest negative score.

On the question, “Do you approve or disapprove of the way 'Ivan Duque' is performing in his work as President of Colombia?” , 23 per cent of the population surveyed said they passed, while 73 per cent did not like the way they were in charge of the country.

These numbers come from a sample of 1,200 people distributed in Bogotá (400), Medellin (200), Cali (200), Barranquilla (200) and Bucaramanga (200).

Iván Duque has not been able to improve his image in recent months, as he has remained well above 70% since April 2021, when the National Strike broke out in Colombia motivated by the Tax Reform that he tried to impose.

According to the survey, Duque has been one of the leaders who has shown the most image of disapproval, since since May 2019 the Invamer survey indicated that he already had a negative image, which reached 71% disapproval in February 2020, before the start of the coronavirus pandemic.

The management of the crisis unleashed by Covid-19 and the measures necessary to control it gave the president a slight respite, who reached 52% approval during those months, being one of the highest in his entire term of office. But the handling given by the Ministry of Health to this problem did not help it to sustain the position and fell again in the following months.

On the side of former President Álvaro Uribe, his favor has been falling since the current president took office, who was elected thanks to the image of the former senator of the Democratic Center.

According to Invamer, the disapproval of the former president of the Colombians reached 69%, a slight improvement from that presented in May 2021 when Uribe's poor image - who when he was president reached up to 85% approval - stood at 73%.

In the case of Juan Manuel Santos, former president and Nobel Peace Prize, by March 2022 he scored 53% disfavorability and 36% favorability in the survey. The former president also experienced a harsh period of negative image, which reached its highest point in February 2018 where it reached 73%. Despite this, Santos's silence has been benevolent for his image.

On the other hand, the survey also revealed that the perception of insecurity continued to grow in Colombia, with 96% of people surveyed saying that security has worsened and only 3% say it has improved.

The economy of the country, in the eyes of Colombians, also has a negative perception, as the Ivamer survey states that 89% of respondents believe that it is worsening, as does unemployment, since 84% of people believe that the possibility of getting a stable job has worsened.

Regarding corruption, 93% of Colombians consulted believe that it has worsened, a percentage that contrasts sharply with 77% in August 2018, when Duque became president of Colombia.


