“Absolutely false”: Lorenzo Córdova rejected that the INE has been “silent” in the face of the revocation of the mandate

The presiding councillor of the electoral authority said that in the coming weeks discussion forums will be held around the citizen consultation promoted and promoted by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO)



Fotografía de archivo en al que se registró al consejero presidente del Instituto Nacional Electoral (INE) de México, Lorenzo Córdova, durante una entrevista con Efe, en la capital mexicana. EFE/Sáshenka Gutiérrez
Fotografía de archivo en al que se registró al consejero presidente del Instituto Nacional Electoral (INE) de México, Lorenzo Córdova, durante una entrevista con Efe, en la capital mexicana. EFE/Sáshenka Gutiérrez

Just a few weeks after the Mandate Revocation process initiated by Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO), the presiding councillor of the National Electoral Institute (INE), is carried out, Lorenzo Córdova Vianello, denied that the electoral authority has been “silent” ahead of the day of democratic participation that will take place in the country next April 10th.

Through his official Twitter account, the also doctor of law reported that on March 25, the first discussion forum on the Revocation of Mandate will take place and invited citizens to go to the polls in order to cast their votes to determine whether the Tabasqueño will continue to head the federal executive or, in his defect, the mandate is revoked for loss of confidence.

He also said that there will be more discussion forums around the citizen consultation and again rejected that the INE has not promoted the democratic exercise that will be carried out for the first time in Mexico.

Lorenzo Cordova
The INE's chairman denied that the electoral authority is not carrying out actions to promote the Revocation of Mandate (Photo: Twitter/ @lorenzocordovav)

“This is just one of the many actions to promote citizen participation being carried out by the National Institute throughout the country, it is absolutely false that the INE remains silent about the Mandate Revocation process, on the contrary, in accordance with its constitutional powers and obligations the INE is the authority responsible for disseminating this exercise among the population,” said Córdova Vianello.

She also specified that the process “is going very well” because the electoral authority is organizing it and because citizens trust the INE, a situation in which they have shown interest in working as civil servants and polling officials next Sunday, April 10.

The statements of the President of the INE came after the publication of the Official Gazette of the Federation (DOF) in which the amendment of the definition of the scope of the Concept of Government Propaganda, with which any public official may express himself freely about the Revocation of Mandate.

After the so-called “decree”, Córdova Vianello sent a strong message to legislators who say that the electoral body does not support or disseminate the citizen consultation and called them “liars”. “It is probably time, ladies and gentlemen, to stop listening to themselves and turn on the radio and television, so that we can see what a powerful dissemination campaign is being carried out; whoever says otherwise is lying,” he said.

Recently, Movimiento Nacional Regeneration (Morena) approved a reform that allows officials to promote the exercise of revocation of mandates (PHOTO: ANDREA MURCIA/CUARTOSCURO.COM)

Córdova also assured that it is afalsehoodof those who claim that there will not be enough ballots at the polls tables during the democratic exercise. “They seem obsessed with boycotting the organizational work of this exercise, building fallacious narratives and spreading, as we just heard a few minutes ago, fake news. Lying is deceiving, it is one more way of cheating,” said the president councilor.

For his part, the electoral counselor Ciro Murayama called those who approved the modification of the definition of the Scope of the Concept of Government Propaganda, including some deputies from the National Regeneration Movement (Morena), Labour Party (PT) and the Green Ecologist Party of Mexico (PVEM).

“They do not allow the intervention of public servants, and that is why they try to change, starting the party, the rules of the game. Who changes the rules of the game once a match has started, it is known in any school yard, only cheaters,” said Murayama.


