Since when is Alberto Fujimori imprisoned and why will he be released

Former President Alberto Fujimori was released after the decision of the Constitutional Court, which has been questioned by the country's authorities and experts, was released.




Latest news from Alberto Fujimori. Peruvians are watching the upcoming events that will take place in the country after the decision to pardon the former president of Peru was announced, according to the ruling of the Constitutional Court. Specialists and authorities, as well as the relatives of the victims of their government, have raised their voices of protest at the release of the person accused of crimes against humanity.


According to official records, Alberto Fujimori Fujimori has been imprisoned since 2007 after being sentenced for several crimes committed while serving as president of Peru. The most notable in her record are the reports of forced sterilization of Peruvian women and the crimes of Barrios Altos and La Cantuta.

He received a 25-year pressure sentence, but in December 2017 he was pardoned by the current president, Pedro Pablo Kuczynski. But why did he do it? The explanation he gave consisted of a “humanitarian gesture” because of the delicate state of health of Keiko Fujimori's father. Despite this benefit received, he was eliminated from his criminal liability.

Alberto Fujimori's release was short and had an expedition time, as by October 2018, the Peruvian Supreme Court authority annulled the pardon given by PPK, causing the engineer to return to prison as soon as possible. The decision was based on the claims and indignation of the families of the victims dragged by the Fujimorist government. They went to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, with the purpose of requesting that they make a pronouncement on this unexpected decision.

What did the IACHR do? His position on the pardon was expressed in a series of recommendations for applicants to come to justice in our country to review the process. Thanks to this international intervention, the file was analyzed and substantiated, concluding in the annulment.

Fujimori's health and repeated admissions to the clinic sparked rumors of a possible pardon, although Pedro Castillo's promise was kept in mind during his election campaign, in which he made clear his support for women who were victims of forced sterilization.

After a questioned vote, Alberto Fujimori could be completely free in the fortnight of April. The Deputy Minister of Justice has stated that they are planning to reach international bodies to annul the pardon granted.

Former Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori will be released again after TC ruling.


The former president of Peru initiated a process of habeas corpus against the president of the judiciary and other authorities so that they can grant him freedom, with the main motivation being his state of health, which has deteriorated since his confinement.

The official communiqué of the Constitutional Court indicated that a vote was held in which each member presented their grounds for defending their decision. This ended with the following positions:

- Judge Blume Fortini (rapporteur) voted to declare the case well founded.

- Judge Ledesma Narváez cast a singular vote for declaring the application inadmissible.

- Judge Miranda Canales cast a singular vote for declaring the lawsuit inadmissible.

- Judge Sardón de Taboada voted to declare the lawsuit well founded.

- Judge Espinosa-Saldaña cast a single vote for declaring the application inadmissible.

- Judge Ferrero Costa voted to declare the lawsuit well founded.

Upholding the decisive vote of the president of the TC when there is a tie in the vote, the ruling declared well-founded the demand that restores the effects of Supreme Resolution 281-2017-JUS, which provides for Fujimori's freedom and grants him humanitarian pardon.


