Homemade and easy-to-prepare apple cider vinegar recipe

Learn how to prepare this drink that offers many health benefits, including losing weight, calming sunburn, among other things.




Apple cider vinegar dates from very ancient times, one of the records is given in the time of Mesopotamia, exactly in Egypt. Its use was given as a drink to drink, but above all as a remedy to heal wounds and that is the clear example of the Greek physician Hippocrates in 400 BC.

Without further ado, we show you the recipe to make a delicious vinegar from apple.

Utensils: Blender and bottles (glass, clay or plastic) to put apple cider vinegar.


- 1 kg of red apples

- Panela or brown sugar.

- Sterilized bottles.


The first process will be concentrated in apple juice and for this you must have all the ingredients ready and clean.

1. Take the apples, peel them, remove the seeds and cut them into pieces and then blend them. You can add a little husk to it to make the fermentation process much faster.

It is important that you try the taste of the juice, since ideally it should be quite sweet, if it lacks it you just have to add a little sugar or panela.

2. When you have the juice, it will be time to put it in sterilized jars and then carefully cover the bottles with a cloth.

It is very important that you have a lot of patience since these drinks, which must be covered, will have to stand for a month, so that they can ferment. The temperature is very important and must be maintained between 18-20 ºC.

When you manage to spend all the time in mention (one month) it will be time to strain the fermented juice, in order to obtain the vinegar.

3. It's time to get the vinegar, so from the obtained must we make the vinegar.

We will leave it in a wide boat and a warm place 20ºC or more. Cover it for 3 days and stir the mixture every day.

4. When the time in question passes (3 days) it will be time to uncover the bottles and then leave them in a dark place for 1-2 months at a temperature of 20-25 degrees Celsius. Don't forget that time and temperature are very important.

5. When all the estimated time passes (1-2 months) it will be time to filter the juice and bottle it.

And that's it! By completing all the 5 steps you can now enjoy your homemade apple cider vinegar made at home and ready to be enjoyed with the family.

FACT: In order for vinegar to work well, temperatures must be respected and in the event that it cannot, drastic changes in temperature should be avoided. In addition, once the vinegar is obtained it should be stored in the refrigerator.


Apple cider vinegar has great benefits and this is supported by various scientific evidence. It is known that among its benefits are vitamins A and B. It also contains the most important fatty acids.

It is very rich in many minerals, such as phosphorus, tannins, calcium, potassium, magnesium, sulfur, sodium, zinc, iron, fluorine, silicon, boron, among others.

- Relieves acid reflux and heartburn.

- It can speed up metabolism and help you lose weight.

- Can relieve irritation caused by poisonous hydra

- Natural conditioner that adds shine to the hair.

- It can help fight colds and sore throats.

- May help lower blood sugar.

- Soothes sunburn.

- Helps remove warts.

- Helps lower blood pressure.

- Combats seasonal allergies.

- Repels fleas from pets.

- Natural cleaner for the house.

- It can kill fungus on the feet and skin.

- Detoxifies the body.

- Whiten your teeth.

- Regulates the PH of the body.

- It's a natural deodorant.

- Helps eliminate varicose veins.


