Aníbal Torres warned that there is a plan to carry out a military coup in Peru

Pedro Castillo's Chief of Staff says that the Executive is being hindered because they “want to remove the head” and that they seek to put “the lady who lost the elections”



Aníbal Torres maintains that a military coup is being planned | VIDEO: Canal N

The president of the Council of Ministers, Aníbal Torres, assured that there is a plan to 'unhead' the Executive and that a military coup d'etat would be being prepared to put “the lady who lost the elections” in power, with clear reference to the leader of the Popular Force, Keiko Fujimori.

Torres said that “they are permanently hindering the Executive, who somehow want to unhead, so as not to let him work and that is not right. They are now heavily encouraged by the bill we have introduced to ban monopolies, oligopolies, dominant positions, or hoarding and speculation.”

“We are really affecting the rights of these people who practice this economy that harms the great majorities, the poorest population and then persists in their desires, making the church intervene to take advantage of a popular phrase to distort it and continue condemning the Executive, confront it and seek one more cause for the presidential vacancy”, said the premier, referring to the criticism he has received for calling Monsignor Barreto 'miserable'

“I have to warn you that the plan does not end there, the plan will move forward until some senior military members speak in the same direction to carry out the coup d'état. The ombudsman has already expressed who should be the next president, the lady who lost the elections,” Aníbal Torres warned in Cusco where the VI Decentralized Council of Ministers is being held.

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