A boy died in Matamoros after drinking an energy drink

“Panchito” mistakenly drank a glass of “Monster Energy” that belonged to his cousin, which caused him to start convulsing until he passed out




After six days of being in a coma, the death of Francisco Cervantes, a six-year-old boy from Matamoros, Tamaulipas, was reported Thursday, who mistakenly consumed an energy drink.

And on April 16, “Panchito” was visiting his grandmother's house when he drank from a glass that was on the table containing “Monster Energy” drink, which belonged to one of his cousins. According to her relative, she immediately began to convulse until she passed out.

For this reason, he was admitted to the emergency room at the Alfredo Pumarejo Hospital where he was diagnosed with intoxication and later, on April 19, brain death.

(Foto: Twitter/HoraMatamoros)
(Foto: Twitter/HoraMatamoros)

Despite this, Jessica Cervantes, mother of the child, refused to disconnect him from the oxygen machines that kept him alive. However, he reported to the local media today of his death, after receiving full attention from the assigned staff.

It is worth mentioning that during these days the relatives had also received donations from the population, since the mother is unemployed, for which they thanked the citizens who joined their cause for the noble gesture

(Foto: Twitter/HoraMatamoros)
(Foto: Twitter/HoraMatamoros)

In this regard, the head of the Ministry of Health in Tamaulipas (SST), Gloria Molina Gamboa, stated that at the moment the causes of his death cannot be defined, but that the various medical diagnoses and studies are being carried out to determine what caused the child's loss of life.

At the same time, the official added that the case has already been turned to the Federal Commission for the Protection against Health Risks (Cofepris) to carry out the relevant investigations.

