Cantinflas: The iconic figure who surprises Mexico in the metaverse

For the 30th anniversary of the celebrity, the image of Mario Moreno will appear in Mexico's tequila, beers and even snacks




Mario Moreno better known as Cantinflas, was a renowned figure who represented the Gold Cinema in Mexico, which is why on its 30th anniversary of the affair, the actor's image will impact the country in various presentations.

Tequila, beer, snacks, as well as a museum in the metaverse , are some of the tributes that will bring with it the memory of one of the most representative artists in the country, as Tita Marbez, widow of Mario Moreno Ivanova, son of Cantinflas, signed an agreement with the City Government of Mexico to install a physical museum that will have about 1,500 items that were owned by the comedian.

Therefore, the virtual museum located in the “metaverse” generates great expectations in this new commemorative year of Cantinflas.

La empresaria firmó un acuerdo con el Gobierno de México para poder montar un museo en conmemoración de Cantinflas.
(Foto: Captura de pantalla / Telemundo)
La empresaria firmó un acuerdo con el Gobierno de México para poder montar un museo en conmemoración de Cantinflas. (Foto: Captura de pantalla / Telemundo)

It should be noted that Marbez became the universal heir to the Cantinflas inheritance, after her husband died in May 2017, which makes her the owner of the actor's trademark and allows her to handle the scriptwriter's licenses, as well as the safekeeping of objects that were part of life of the producer.

“The things of Cantinflas do not belong to anyone, but to the people of Mexico and the idea is that they are within reach of the people,” reported Tita, Ivanova's widow.

In addition, the businesswoman revealed that the snacks will have the real image of the character, that is, without caricaturizing, because they abide by federal guidelines not to show animation characters in products. Tita stressed that she would not interfere with creative processes.

“I don't get involved in production stuff, they'll know how to sell; we (company and partners) only approve the design”

Cantinflas cumplirá su 30 aniversario luctuoso en en el año 2023.
(Foto: INAH)
Cantinflas cumplirá su 30 aniversario luctuoso en en el año 2023. (Foto: INAH)

As for the drink, which has been around for about a decade, it is a commemorative tequila, which was created among friends of the protagonist of Around the World in Eighty Days.

Also, Marbez recalled that the original films were given by Cantinflas himself to Columbia since no member of his family was a distributor. He also mentioned that the royalties are distributed between the distribution company and the heirs of Eduardo Moreno Laparade, creator of the Mario E. Moreno A.C. Moreno Cantinflas Foundation, who was in a lawsuit with the late Moreno Ivanova for quite some time.

Last year, Tita Marbez reacted for Imagen TV to videos shared on social networks about young people who broke into Mario Moreno's alleged abandoned house, so Ivanova's widow pointed out that the house shown no longer belonged to Cantinflas's family and that it didn't even appear in the roles of probate succession.

“The fact that he has a statue of Cantinflas does not mean that the house belongs to him. Don Mario sold that property in the late 80s, that's simple, it wasn't even in the probate succession that Mario received, my husband,” he explained.

En esta casa se encuentra la estatua del actor.
(Foto: Captura de pantalla)
En esta casa se encuentra la estatua del actor. (Foto: Captura de pantalla)

So, Tita said that years ago she was offered the property to be bought again, so she would turn it into a museum, however the sale did not materialize.

So far, it is not known whether the sale of the aforementioned house took place, and this will be the property where they will set up the new museum alluding to the actor, however, users are waiting with great excitement to visit one of the venues that will undoubtedly be one of the most visited venues, as well as Frida Kahlo's Blue House.


