Attention students: these are the dates to register for the Saber tests

Until May 23 there is a deadline to register for the Saber 11, Saber Pro, Pre Saber, Saber TyT and Validants tests




In the last hours, the Colombian Institute for the Evaluation of Education (Icfes) announced the opening of the regular registry for Saber 11, Saber Pro, Pre Saber, Saber TyT and Validating tests, which will be applied during the second half of 2022.

Likewise, Icfes warned that those interested in taking any of these tests can register until May 23 can register, through the Icfes website.

The invitation was made by the same director general of Icfes, Mónica Ospina Londoño, who said that since the institute they have decided to “be more connected with the actors of the education sector: institutions and students, to inform them of the evolution that our Entity has had in recent years and with facts to reinforce that together we transform knowledge. For this reason, we invite students and educational entities to learn about and prepare for the schedule for the second semester of the year.”

According to the schedule presented today by the director of Icfes, the Saber 11, Validating and Pre Saber tests will be held on September 3 and 4 for calendar A; the Saber Pro and Pro Exterior tests will be presented between October 22 and 30 electronically, either at a specific location or at home; Saber TyT will be held on October 8 and 9.

It should be noted that the various tests designed by Icfes are aimed at evaluating the quality of education that Colombians receive, according to the different educational levels in the country.

Thus, with the Saber 11 test, aimed at students who are finishing their secondary education, higher education institutions have information about the competencies of their applicants.

For those who have not yet completed their secondary education, Icfes has designed the Pre Saber test, which allows students in grades 9 and 10 to familiarize themselves with and prepare for the Saber 11 exam.

The Validation test certifies the competencies in secondary education of people over the age of 18.

Now, for higher and technical education, Icfes has designed two tests. The first is Saber Pro, which evaluates the quality of professional higher education and can be submitted only by those who have passed 75% of their career.

Finally, the second test for higher education, the Saber TyT test, which is intended for those who have passed 75% of their technical and technological careers.

On April 1st, it was known which universities have been the lowest rated according to the Saber Pro tests.

This test, which aims to define the basic skills that a professional should have in the country, is based on five general components: quantitative reasoning, critical reading, English, written communication and citizen skills.

The assessment has a maximum range of 300 points. Universities scored an average of 156, adding three points more than in 2019, while universities reached 142 points, two points more than in 2019, technological institutions 140 points, one point higher than in 2019, and technical institutions an average of 135 points, two points higher than in the previous year.

The 10 worst universities in Colombia

1. Chocó Technology: 120,2 (Quibdo - Public)

2. From La Guajira: 130.7 (Riohacha - Public)

3. Popular del Cesar: 138.1 (Aguachica - Public)

4. From the Pacific: 138.4 (Buenaventura - Public)

5. Metropolitan: 139 (Barranquilla - Private)

6. Simon Bolivar: 140.3 (Barranquilla - Private)

7. From the Amazon: 140.7 (Florence - Public)

8. Colombian Cooperative: 140.9 (Barrancabermeja - Private)

9. Santiago de Cali: 140.9 (Palmyra - Private)

10. Andean Area: 140.9 (Pereira - Private)


