Elsa Aguirre and the mistreatment she suffered in her first marriage

The actress went through the torment of having to live with a husband who became violent with simple comments and doubted the paternity of her son




Elsa Aguirre married three times and managed to find her true love, but before that she suffered great torment during her first marriage, as her then husband physically violated her and put her through situations that were very uncomfortable for her.

The first time Elsa married was Armando Rodríguez Morado, a journalist who caught her attention because of how attractive he was, however, she did not imagine that after arriving at the altar together she would experience one of her worst times.

The journalist and the protagonist of Cuidado con el amor fell in love while they saw each other in the distance repeatedly, when she accompanied her sister to work. Armando was a good-looking man, so the first time he finally approached her, she would have fallen out.

El primer esposo de Elsa Aguirre fue un periodista llamado Armando Rodríguez Morado (Captura: YouTube La Historia Detrás del Mito)
El primer esposo de Elsa Aguirre fue un periodista llamado Armando Rodríguez Morado (Captura: YouTube La Historia Detrás del Mito)

According to the histrionist, Rodriguez asked her for an interview, so they went to her house, and the way he approached her attracted her. From that day on, their romance was born, which the actress describes as “incredible”, because not only did he always see a way to conquer her on a daily basis, but both were very attracted to each other.

After their beautiful courtship, Armando and Elsa married in the 1950s, when the actress's career was at its best. She thought that her marriage would be just like any other, in which she would start a family and live her happiness. However, shortly after they were married, he began to mistreat her.

As revealed in interviews, Elsa first suffered from a lot of psychological violence. One of the first times that the histrionist realized that her husband was not having normal attitudes towards her was when she burned the cage of some canaries she cared for. Aguirre never knew the reasons, but it did hurt him that Armando had done that to him, because he was aware of the affection he had for birds.

Elsa confesó que su noviazgo fue muy bonito, por lo que ella cayó enamorada desde el principio y su llegada al altar era algo obvio (Foto: Facebook/Cine de Oro Mexicano)
Elsa confesó que su noviazgo fue muy bonito, por lo que ella cayó enamorada desde el principio y su llegada al altar era algo obvio (Foto: Facebook/Cine de Oro Mexicano)

Later, he became addicted to alcohol, which increased violent attitudes towards the actress. In The Minute That Changed My Fate, he recalled that the journalist started arriving at his house late at night after work or, even, left at 4:00 a.m. to find what to drink.

This behavior had already alerted Elsa, but she “don't know what she expected,” she confessed in the interview, so she stayed with him until some time later.

On one occasion, the protagonist of La mujer i amé and Armando were at the opening of a bar of their sister and everything was working out as expected, however, at some point in the afternoon she would have made a comment that upset him greatly.

Elsa tuvo que atravesar sola la muerte de su hijo a sus 30 años (Foto: Twitter / @depelicula)
Elsa tuvo que atravesar sola la muerte de su hijo a sus 30 años (Foto: Twitter / @depelicula)

At the time, he apologized to her, but then returned to drinking alcohol, which brought him back to his anger. When they left the place, back home, he started accelerating and was not slowing down, so she asked him to stop.

Once she got out of the car, she arrived at her house, where he caught up with her and began to pull her off, assuring her that she should return with him. At that time, her sister came and was able to help her. “It drove me crazy,” Elsa recalled.

After that day, he did not return to look for her or her son Hugo, whom he said he doubted being her father. Aguirre said that even when Hugo died, Armando did not visit them to even find out if he was really his son.

Many years after her divorce he would have looked for her on several occasions, through calls and errands. “For your living memory,” he would have said, but she asked him to leave her alone.


