Replica of the Sistine Chapel in CDMX: where and from when to see it

The replica of the Sistine Chapel arrives from Europe to the capital so that citizens can enjoy one of the great artistic wonders of the world



ITALY - JANUARY 21:  Part of the artwork of Michelangelo that adorns the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel at the Vatican, Italy.  (Photo by Fotopress/Getty Images)
ITALY - JANUARY 21: Part of the artwork of Michelangelo that adorns the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel at the Vatican, Italy. (Photo by Fotopress/Getty Images)

Claudia Sheinbaum, head of government of Mexico City, announced at a press conference and through her Twitter account that at the end of April the replica of the famous Sistine Chapel arrives in the capital at the end of April. The post he shared with his followers reads:

“From the Vatican to the Zocalo in Mexico City! The replica of the Sistine Chapel will be free of charge from April 20 in the Zocalo for all those who stay or visit the city this holiday.”

Foto: Captura de pantalla de Twitter

The replica will be available from April 20 to May 19, 2022 from Tuesday to Sunday between 10:00 a.m. and 6:40 p.m. In order to attend the event, you will need to register on the following page:, right there you can request tickets that are totally free.

The only thing to do is choose a date and time, check that there are places available and register with some email, the site allows you to select up to 10 tickets. At the moment registration is already open, so if you plan to attend it is important to be aware of the quota, although if you cannot buy tickets in this way, there will be windows installed outside the venue.

Exclusive access will be given to people with disabilities, older adults and pregnant women to avoid any kind of mishaps, since the capital authorities anticipate the arrival of various tourists, since the opening will take place within the framework of the Easter holidays. As sanitary measures, the use of face masks and keep a healthy distance will be mandatory.

Una de las atracciones principales de la Capilla Sixtina se encuentra en las obras del pintor y escultor Miguel Ángel. (Foto: Instagram/@apptraveli)

The event will take place in the Zócalo of Mexico City, the nearest metro stations are the stations of line 2 Zócalo/Tenochtitlan, Pino Suárez, Bellas Artes and Allende. If you prefer to arrive by Metrobus, the closest points are Central Axis, Bellas Artes and Plaza San Juan on route 4.

It was also reported that the visits will be grouped into 300 people every 20 minutes, during which time attendees will be able to delight their eyes with the classic and iconic images that adorn the Sistine Chapel.

Through a press conference, José Suárez del Real, head of office of the head of government of the CDMX, officially announced all the details of this expected event on April 4, and added that Claudia will be present at the inauguration.

He also shared the importance of creating such spaces where a “faithful reproduction of the Chapel” can be seen to promote a taste for art and history in the country. On the other hand, he stressed that it will be mandatory to present tickets in order to enter, since in this way it will be possible to “guarantee the safety (...) of the space so as not to exceed 300 people for each of the visits”.

For his part, Sheinbaum indicated that it is an activity to promote culture because for its administration it is essential to bring spaces that not only provide recreation, but also knowledge, all always free of charge.

“Millions of people in the country do not have access to go to the Vatican to get to know a work of art like this, and today they will have the possibility of a first-rate replica, where they can get to see this wonder, cultural heritage free of charge,” said the head of government.


