Epigmenio Ibarra demanded that Ciro Gómez Leyva apologize for Ayotzinapa case

The discussion between the two characters went viral due to statements about the case of the 43 students who disappeared in 2014

During the course of Wednesday, filmmaker Epigmenio Ibarra and journalist Ciro Gómez Leyva, starred in a discussion that was kept on everyone's lips.

The controversy arose on the occasion of the revelations in the Third Report of the Interdisciplinary Group of Independent Experts (GIEI) in which was mentioned about the infiltration of elements of the Ministry of National Defence (SEDENA), as well as the alleged manipulation of the crime scene by elements of the Mexican army in the Cocula dump.

Faced with this new information, the filmmaker pointed out that in order to maintain and support the “historical truth” proposed by then-prosecutor Jesús Murillo Karam, the conductor Ciro Gómez Leyva must apologize.

“For saying that the 'truth' of Murillo Karam 'remains intact', for defending this character who, on Peña Nieto's orders, orchestrated the state operation to disappear the truth and obstruct justice is that @CiroGomezL - as I told him - must apologize,” Ibarra said on his official Twitter account.

Epigmenio Ibarra told Ciro Gómez Leyva that he should apologize for supporting the historical truth of the case of the 43 students (EFE/Argos Media Group)

In addition, he shared an excerpt from the program in which Leyva stated that “the angry voices that have shouted for five years that the State was responsible for the 43 of Ayotzinapa, have nothing to report or add about that misfortune, because at the end of the day, the historical truth of Murillo Karam remains intact”.

This was noted in the program this Wednesday, March 30, in which it shares space with Epigmenio since March 9, which was criticized by various journalists and politicians who described the event as “governmental pressure”.

In that broadcast, the founder of the production company Argos Comunicación pointed out that the media should make a public apology for the new elements, the communicator opposed, arguing that the fundamental foundations of “historical truth” had not been denied.

“And I am still waiting, Ciro and I tell you with all due respect, that you, Carlos Marín, will apologize for having defended that truth. I think they should do it,” Ibarra urged.

The young people disappeared on the night of September 26 and 27, 2014 EFE/Carlos Ramírez

This triggered a discussion between the two characters, who have had differences in the past. But this time the journalist Miriam Moreno joined, who has investigated the case over the years.

The heated verbal fight lasted about 40 minutes between interruptions by the three participants in which the events that have been gathered through journalistic investigations and what was presented in the GIEI reports were discussed.

In the end, Leyva argued that the young people were intercepted and abducted by criminal groups with the support of police authorities, who killed the young people and tried to disappear the remains of the victims.

Similarly, when the information was presented by GIEI, Ibarra pointed to President Enrique Peña Nieto, Miguel Ángel Osorio Chong, Jesús Murillo Karam and Salvador Cienfuegos as the orchestrators of historical truth.

'JUSTICE TRUTH MEMORY The disappearance of 43 students in Iguala synthesized the breakdown of the Mexican political regime: abuse of power, narco-State, violation of rights, cover-up, extreme violence, corruption, looting, impunity, inequality. #Ayotzinapa90meses', wrote Ibarra who also made a “roll call of the names of the missing young people.