Lupe Esparza talked about the moment when I say goodbye to Bronco

José Guadalupe Esparza has been at the head of the group since the beginning of the 80s, however, the bassist and vocalist has already thought about what circumstances he will retire from the stage



The Bronco group is back on stage with the announcement of their new tour They released the horses, with which they will meet again with their audience from various parts of the country after the restrictions that we have faced for two years as a result of the health crisis that has not yet ended.

At a press conference to announce the new concert tour, the leader of the group, Lupe Esparza said he was happy about the career he has led for decades, with which he has managed to position himself in the hearts of his followers: “I have been singing for more than 45 years,” he said of one of the things he enjoys doing most in life.

Before the media, the singer of songs such as With Heeled Shoes and Sergio the Dancer, spoke of the moment and circumstances that would force him to retire from the stage, day he trusted, he is still far away.

“I have never taken care of my throat as such, in the matter of 'don't drink ice cream', 'don't take this', 'wrap yourself up when you go out', I have gone out like this all my life and to date,” he said in relation to the care I would have to take to care for his vocal cords.

However, the leader of Bronco stressed that he himself would realize, when the day came, the time to say goodbye to his audience.

“When I feel, I do not want to say that it is the same voice, because it is illogical that it is so, I have been singing for more than 45 years, then everything has to deteriorate little by little, when I get that situation of 'zeros', that it is no longer (my voice), I think I would retire grateful for so much applause, of so much affection from the people”, expressed.

“For now Esparza is strong, she is energetic and she still loves this, it is relaxing, I already knew everything, I already knew failure, and I also knew the glory, so today I enjoy what I do, however it comes and I am happy with the support and support of the boys, who also vocally help me now.

“Today I enjoy what is coming... and besides, the boys now help me with the choirs, they sing alone and I think it is a way of getting them into the staffeta for some time, which I hope is still a long time away,” said the vocalist and bassist of the band in reference to his sons José and René Esparza, who have been forming for some time now part of the emblematic group of northern cumbia.

José Guadalupe Esparza began his journey with Bronco in the early 1980s, and over time, the band has established itself as one of the favorites that also enters the Mexican Regional category.

Although he had stumbling blocks in his career, Lupe is still standing on stage, being the only original member of the project, however generations are changing and musical tastes may vary

“For my 4 decades that I am on the road, I should already be an expert. I was able to have a recording studio, of mine, before my children joined Bronco, and I swear to you that I never gave me to learn where the studio console was turned on, and now after a while I am learning,” he said of his interest in learning how to use the Pro tools tool in the program Firsthand.

On whether it has been difficult for the singer to reach the new generations of music lovers, Lupe said that it is only difficult for those who “do nothing”.

“It's hard for those who don't raise their hands, for those who don't want to continue defending the championship,” he said.

