Flip criticized Petro's claims against journalist David Ghitis and received attacks on the networks

Some netizens questioned the Foundation for Press Freedom for defending the freedom of opinion of the RCN columnist, author of the text entitled “Petro wants to rob us”




A strong controversy broke out recently on social media over a trill of presidential candidate Gustavo Petro, in which he shared a column written by David Ghitis with the message: “Neo-Nazis in RCN”.

Because of that comment, several citizens, politicians and journalists went over to the candidate of the Historical Pact. Likewise, the Foundation for Press Freedom (Flip) spoke out, stating that Petro's statements “stigmatize and generate a climate of violence against RCN.”

In a thread posted on Twitter, the organization explained why Gustavo Petro's statements “seriously injure freedom of the press.”

Flip on Gustavo Petro

“Comparing its critics to an ideology that was behind a holocaust is a clear stigmatization with great symbolic and political burdens. Thus, @petrogustavo revives violence against the media by promoting the image that it harbors and spreads fascist positions,” Flip wrote on its Twitter account.

Likewise, the entity pointed out that reprimanding critical voices about the candidacies impairs the possibility of citizens to inform themselves and vote freely. “Candidates must understand that their speeches have repercussions and can promote violence, their duty is to respect the opinions of the press,” he added.

Netizens questioned Flip for “defending” David Ghitis

Faced with the Flip's statements in this case, several netizens came out of step questioning the organization for “defending” the RCN columnist, David Ghitis. Many cited the journalist's trills in which he makes strong accusations without argument and criticized his journalistic rigor.

One of those publications for which Ghitis is criticized is a photo of the members of the Historical Pact elected to be part of the Congress in the next period, with the message: “It is reported that 4 watches, 6 cell phones, 2 wallets and 7 wallets were lost at the meeting of the joint bench of the Senate and PH Chamber.”

“Here is your beloved “journalist” practicing his profession rigorously,” one netizen commented on this publication by Ghitis, referring to the statements of the Flip and the defense of press freedom.

“Today I can't agree with @FLIP_org. It cannot be that someone who expresses himself as he does in this image, graduates him as a journalist. It's unacceptable. Freedom of the press is not a corsican patent to insult and slander. The Flip is wrong from end to end”, is another comment against the statements of the organization.

“Gentlemen @FLIP_org, how do you defend this character. What is this called? It seems that you also have a bit of a skillful political bias”, is another comment on social networks.

For his part, Colombia's presidential candidate, Gustavo Petro, also questioned the journalism of David Ghitis and suggested that the man rather than a journalist is a right-wing militant.

The above, citing a trill of Ghitis himself where he is seen sticking Fico Gutiérrez posters on carts north of Bogotá. “For today we finished because we ran out of microperforations. It was 500 cars in two hours! Next week we will bring 1,000 so we are waiting for you next Sunday in front of Unicentro to bring its microperforation of @FicoGutierrez”, says the publication of the RCN columnist.

Criticism of the Flip

Many journalists also went out and pointed to several cases in which they needed support from the Flip and it apparently did not appear.

It should be noted that on its official website, the Foundation for Press Freedom (FLIP), states that it is a non-governmental organization that defends freedom of expression and promotes an optimal climate for journalists to satisfy the right of those living in Colombia to be informed.

The above, regardless of whether a professional is a member of a specific political party or not.


