Open Arms, Caritas and an Argentine philanthropist take 200 refugees to Rome

Rome, 22 Mar Almost 200 Ukrainian refugees, mostly women and children, have arrived in Rome via Warsaw as a result of the collaboration between the NGOs Open Arms, Caritas and Solidaire by the Italian-Argentine philanthropist Enrique Piñeyro. This is the first of three flights with which NGOs plan to take more than half a thousand people to Italy from Warsaw where many refugees from neighbouring Ukraine arrive. A total of 182 people have traveled aboard the boeing 787, owned by the Argentine philanthropist Enrique Piñeyro, who also flew the plane. Founder of the NGO Solidaire, which works closely with Spain's Open Arms, Piñeyro defends “disruptive capitalism” that allows us to “reformulate luxury objects” and “use them for something worthwhile.” “We are all in the same boat”, only some of us have a “more solid ship”, he explains on board the flight shortly before landing in Rome. For Óscar Camps, founder of the NGO Open Arms, which rescues boats with migrants trying to reach Europe by crossing the Mediterranean from North Africa, the response to this refugee crisis is “the minimum that should be in each of the 65 armed conflicts in the world”, that the right to protection and the refuge that “we all have” and which leads many to launch themselves into the sea in precarious boats. It therefore welcomes the result of the collaboration with the NGO Solidaire with which they have been working for the past year and a half. They have worked in other humanitarian corridors, monitoring illegal fishing or sending respirators to India in the brunt of the pandemic taking advantage of the fact that a boeing can carry 40 tons of cargo or 250 passengers. In addition, Piñeyro has purchased a 67-meter-long boat that he has loaned to Open Arms and will reinforce the NGO's fleet. “We are trying to champion it in Spain” explains Camps and “shortly” we will have it operational. CHIEF rf/ea/dm (photo) (video) (audio)