Thousands of protesters against rising costs of living in Spain



Thousands of protesters took to the streets of Spain on Saturday to protest the rise in food, energy and fuel prices, exacerbated by the war in Ukraine.

Rallies were held in the main cities of the country, convened by the far-right Vox party, which benefits from discontent over the rising cost of living and the difficulties of households in paying their bills.

In front of Madrid's city hall, several thousand people gathered, brandishing Spanish flags and shouting slogans calling for the resignation of the president of the government, the socialist Pedro Sánchez.

“Sanchez rat, we want cheap light”, “Sanchez garbage, lower the bill”, they shouted.

“We have the worst possible government at the worst possible time. What's more, we don't have a government, in fact we have a factory of misery that continues to loot and plunder workers with abusive taxes,” said Vox leader Santiago Abascal, under the acclamations of those present.

“We are not going to leave the streets until we expel this illegitimate government,” he added.

Anabel, a 56-year-old protester, who did not give her last name, said that “I am not from any political party. At home we can't put up almost the heating because it costs almost twice as much as 6 months ago and the car just didn't use it.”

“Electricity and gas prices are rising and they say it's because of (Russian President Vladimir) Putin, but it's a lie. That's how it was before,” he added to AFP.

Last year, energy prices rose 72% in Spain, one of the biggest increases in the European Union, and costs have increased even more since the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

On Monday, Spanish drivers declared an unlimited strike due to fuel prices, which turned into multiple road blocks and demonstrations.

The increase in prices also prompted UGT and CCOO, the two largest Spanish unions, to call a national strike on March 23.


