Fabiola Yañez received boys in Olivos from a community dining room in Quilmes

The First Lady led a guided tour of the Fifth Presidential

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Girls and boys from the Esperanza Kilme dining room in the Buenos Aires town of Quilmes toured with the first lady, Fabiola Yáñez, the Quinta presidential de Olivos, where they visited the historic space and office of the President.

Upon arriving to visit the place, the boys met Fabiola, who accompanied them to visit the different environments that make up the presidential residence, which were inhabited by the different Argentine presidents.

As the beginning of the itinerary, they visited the office currently occupied by President Alberto Fernández and met Romeo and Nacho, dogs of the Federal Police Explosives Brigade, destined for the security of the Fifth Presidential, controlling the income of various explosives or items that concern the care of the aforementioned house.

Then, they talked with the grenadiers who explained how each part of their uniform is designated and what function it performs.

In addition, they visited the movie theater where they saw the Argentine short film “Luminaris”, the Guinness record as the most awarded short in the world, together with members of the National Institute of Film and Audiovisual Arts (INCAA).

Fabiola Yañez - Activity in Quilmes
Children from the Esperanza Kilme dining room toured the premises of the Fifth Presidential and took several gifts

Finally, they toured the nursery, the farm and the orchard, together with a part of the team of the National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA), who told them what the ProHuerta Program was started 6 years ago within the residence and that to this day they continue to care for and work in it.

In addition, they enjoyed a snack at the Quincho de la Quinta, participated in some educational activities and took gifts as a souvenir of the visit.

Fabiola Yáñez has been involved with the Esperanza Kilme Dining Room for 3 years and by presiding over the Banco Nación Foundation, he helps those who carry out the space by meeting the demands, needs and providing them with various training for those who work there.

This dining room is one of the more than 400 that the Banco Nación Foundation attends and provides training.

The activity took place a few days after Fabiola became a mother for the first time. In the middle of the countdown, this Sunday she posted a video on her Twitter account where she is seen finalizing details for the arrival of the baby.

Fabiola Yañez - Activity in Quilmes
The boys visited the cinema, the farm and the president's office, in other spaces

“We are close to the day we dream. Suddenly we realize that we will not be what we are today. When I hold him in my arms, in autumn April, I will be able to sing to him 'I wasn't me before you'. And then the family will be bigger and a new being in this humanity will take our parental love,” wrote the First Lady.

Eight months pregnant, Fabiola showed herself dressed in white, sitting on a pillow on the floor and accompanied by Dylan. To put this post to music, Yáñez chose a song by Uruguayan singer Jorge Drexler called “Antes”, which says in its opening lines: “Before me you weren't you. Before you, I wasn't me. Before it was the two of us. There weren't any of them. There weren't any of them. ..”. And those were the ones chosen by Yáñez to accompany the video.

Precisely, in these photos she is seen decorating the white and gray rocking chair for her future baby, to which she also adds a blanket of attachment with the head of a puppy.