Colombia presents a plan to conserve water with the use of technology

Some objectives are to reduce 66 per cent of freshwater captured and zero discharges to surface waters by 2045



In Colombia, a digital platform was presented to optimize water management and improve sustainability and operational efficiency in the country's energy industry.

The tool, which will be accessible to any entity or company that requires it, covers the life cycle of water from access to treatment, recycling, reuse and final disposal, which will allow organizations to seek water neutrality, which is a business asset that is critical to industries and water. way to contribute to its conservation and intelligent management.

“We will use this platform to accelerate our sustainability strategy or T-ESG (technology, environment, social and governance), including our objectives to reduce 66% of freshwater captured and zero discharges to surface water by 2045, improving the environment of the communities where we operate,” said the President of the Ecopetrol Group, Felipe Bayón.

In turn, he pointed out that the purpose is for the energy industry to be at the forefront of technological solutions to achieve water neutrality in the country, and in this way contribute to achieving the goals proposed by the national government of zero carbon emissions by 2050, indicating that collaboration is indispensable for promoting a sustainable future “because companies cannot solve environmental challenges alone”.

The platform to be presented by foreign companies and the oil company envisages the creation of a data source, linking existing information with water volume and quality analysis, as well as optimizing costs throughout the value chain to support decision-making, while applying analysis to optimize the water management and improve integrated water efficiency management.

In turn, it plans to consolidate an ecosystem in which participants can share data and promote water reuse within and across industries, using high-performance computing, storage, machine learning and artificial intelligence.

“This solution will help Ecopetrol reduce its water footprint by providing a greater understanding of how to reduce the amount of fresh water it collects from local sources to improve its treatment, and increase the reuse of produced water and wastewater in refining, exploration and production processes,” he said. the national Government.

At the same time, this tool seeks to extend beyond the energy sector in order to help companies in all industries overcome the challenges established in terms of water resources, helping to conserve this vital resource, which represents one of the world's main objectives.

Through this platform, it is planned to contribute to the environmental goals set by the national Government, such as achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 and reducing Greenhouse Gases (GHGs) by 51% by 2030.


