JOA Signs Historic Memorandum of Strategic Alliance with Argentine Football Institute World Eleven



President of the Jamaica Olympic Association,(JOA), Christopher Samuda, has

described the recent virtual signing of a Memorandum of Strategic Alliance with

the Argentine football institute, World Eleven Inc., as "historic as it is legacy

creating as this is the first time that World Eleven Inc is signing with a Caribbean

country and will be co-partners in building a legacy for future generations of

footballers in Jamaica"

The Jamaican apex governing body in sport has a robust foreign affairs sport

policy of establishing bi--lateral partnerships across borders as it continues to

fulfil one of its principal mandates of building local capacity in the various sports

represented by its member associations and federations.

Under this ten year alliance, the JOA, in collaboration with World Eleven Inc and

the Jamaica Football Federation (JFF), will establish institutes in Jamaica

through which the Argentine Football Association (AFA) technology and training

methodologies, which marry the teaching of practical and technical skills

with a customised software which hosts E-learning, evolution and coach

grading methodologies, will be taught.

President Samuda in welcoming the partnership stated that "the

introduction of the AFA football technology, particularly at the primary level,

will revolutionise teaching concepts and practica in Jamaica and

emphasise the importance of physical analytics and kinetic analytics in

optimising performance in competitive sports."

A primary objective of the alliance is to market the AFA Technology

Institute throughout Jamaica in developing, matriculating and transitioning

local talent to the international stages of the Olympic Games and FIFA

World Cup.

President and CEO of World Eleven Inc., Guillermo Tofoni, expressed

confidence in the success of the alliance and confirmed his company's

commitment in using the AFA Technology and Training Methodologies in

developing young talent in Jamaica in fulfilling its mission to create spaces

where boys and girls can learn and practise football in promoting social

integration, inclusion, friendship, teamwork, respect and excellence while

experiencing the positive principles of Argentine Football culture such as

passion, joy for the game and healthy competition.

Similar sentiments of confidence were expressed by Claudio Tapia,

President of the Argentine Football Association, which has a distinguished

record of success at the international and will be instrumental to rolling out

the initiative in Jamaica.

The alliance arose out of discussions held between President Samuda,

JOA Secretary General/CEO , Ryan Foster, and Argentina's Ambassador

to Jamaica, Luis Fernando del Solar Dorrego, who disclosed his absolute

pleasure at facilitating the partnership and stated that "the love Jamaica

has for Argentina's football based on the number of shirts of Maradona and

Messi worn in Jamaica" will augur well for confidence in the initiative.

In signalling the mission of the JOA, President Samuda remarked that "as

the JOA looks in earnest on a historic qualification of our male and female teams

at the 2024 Paris Olympic Games and further exploits at the World Cup, the

eleven men and women on the field of play must be products of a transformed

education programme driven by technical, scientific and technological


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